Nov 17, 2005 07:53
Uhm...19 doesn't feel any different than 18. It just makes me closer to 20! Woo. Lol
Yesterday, I had to change my job or whatever for the Army. What I wanted to do had no jobs open....So as of now when I get finished with my training my ass is heading to Iraq. I'm a f'n amo specialist. What the heck? I did very well in like repair and stuff on that stupid test I took, so there for I got a bunch of stupid jobs that came up. I just guessed on all of those. I didn't mean it. :(
I'm very scared now. Before it was just a little bit. Not now. I have to go to Missouri for basic then to Alabama for AIT. I'm so scared. I don't want to go to Iraq and get blown up. Maybe they won't need amo specialist for a while or maybe they will because all the other ones got blown up.
:(. I've felt like crying since yesterday because now I'm stuck doing a scary job that I can't get out of for four years. I don't want to die in Iraq. Stupid president. Stupid war. If I die in Iraq, I'm so gonna come back and haunt George Bush. I'll make his life terrible because it will be because of him that I ruined mine. I know that I'm old enough to make my own decisions and I knew that this would happen inventually, I am just very scared of what could happen. I knew that there was a war going on, so I don't really need to blame our stupid president for me going the Army because then I sound like that Owens girls mom. I could understand if we were fighting a war for a reason, but there is no reason behind this. Just higher gas prices and a bunch of speeches that assure us we're doing the right thing. NUH UH GEORGE BUSH! Lol. Hopefully I'll be okay. I've just gotta keep positive and not thinking about getting killed by a bomb or someone dropping a missle on my me.
By the way, I leave January 3rd.