(no subject)

Sep 05, 2005 21:58

“You've got me and my women hiding in the luxury of a mine shaft, all because William the Bloody likes the attention. This is not a reputation we need.”

”Oh, I'm sorry. Did I sully our good name? We're vampires.”

”All the more reason to use a certain amount of finesse.”

”Bollocks! That stuff's for the frilly cuffs-and-collars crowd. I'll take a good brawl any day."

“And every time you do, we become the hunted.”

“I think our boys are going to fight.”

“The King of Cups expects a picnic!” Yes, her William, her sweet Orpheus, did hunger so for Daddy’s approval…but it wouldn’t be his, oh no, at least not today. “But this is not his birthday.”

“No, it isn’t is it? And neither is it yours Precious,” Angelus said, turning from Spike to face her. Ooh, and how upset he looked…she’d have to see that her little William…

“So I think it’d be best if you stayed here. Alone.”

He turned and stalked towards the exit and her William followed. A cold clinging fog wrapped around her at his words. Why? What had she done to anger him so? Hadn’t she been good? Her William was the one that hadn’t played Daddy’s game properly…

“But Daddy…” She began, slinking after him and running her hands down his back. The soft, cigar scented material of his coat wriggled and writhed under her fingers and she pulled them back...oh…oh dear…

“You’ve been naughty,” He said turning to face her. A shiny scarab beetle crawled from beneath his collar and sat happily on his cheek, while more wriggled out from under his cuffs and dropped to the ground, scuttling towards Spike and Grandmum. She clapped her hands over her gasping mouth and moaned, the coldness in her belly writhing and twisting.

“William thinks so too, don’t you boy?”

“Very naughty,” William agreed, grinning, but as he did his flesh began to flake off. It turned to ash as it floated to the ground and she backed away from them both as nasty sprites started spiraling dizzyingly in her head, whispering that something wasn’t right.

No, not right. Not right at all. Princess is locked in the tower and can’t get out…

“I'm done being your lapdog,” He carried on, his skin flaking, dusting downwards until he was nothing but bone. “Done jumping through sodding hoops to convince you that I'm worthy of your affections.”

“But please...Grandmum!” She cried, turning to Darla. But when her eyes trailed to her, she had no face and crumbled to dust as well.

She screamed.

* * * * *

Suddenly they were all gone and all my eyes could see was darkness.

They did leave you there! my mind whispered frantically, but then the stars reminded me of the end of that story. How we all walked free the next night and laid waste to that small village. My William found me two sweet twin boys for dinner...and he and Daddy made up in the hayshed.

They never did know I watched.

Rolling over onto my back in the darkness, I swam along in the memory a moment longer before realizing something was askew…where was I? I sat up, my long dress tangling around my legs in such and undignified manner. What would mummy say if she could see?

The air was cold and silent and my head swam and throbbed. A sweet singsong of pain. I lifted my fingers to my temple, the tips doing a little dance and exploring the surface of my skin, sensing bone and dead blood and…

I snatched my fingers away….

Something…something wasn’t right…

Gingerly, I touched them to my head again and then it came, like a violent, prickling-cold tidal wave, pouring into my brain, sheathing me in the terrible memory…


Me. Playing with a sweet little girl…


Shouting. Pain. Bang, bang, bang…


Sharp cold metal. Blue spark-firing tinker toys and princess is turned inside-out…


NonononoNO! They were inside! Inside my head! Crawling…scuttling…forcing my black soul to glow sweet gold again and oooh, it stung!

I felt the cold tiles move beneath me and a hard wall meet my shoulder. Pretty pain lanced through my body but it didn’t make me feel better in the least and I curled in a ball, fingers scratching, clawing and ripping for purchase…

“Get out, get out, GET OUT!!!” I cried. Sobbing, spilling salt and iron and turning white red…

“Go marching home again…pleeeease…”

Ripping. Scratching. Get it out. Get it out. Getitoutgetitout…

* * * * *
And she remembers that he tastes the same. Like salt and iron and he’s inside her head too.

”You’re mine now. Now and always. I’ll never. Let. You. Go.”

And she can’t get him…out…
* * * * *


…after a while the grey numbness came, sister to the throbbing, prickling ache beneath my hair…but what was it doing on the floor…? I wondered as my fingers tangled in long strands. I laid my cheek down on the cool floor.

“When the bow breaks…” I heard. Singing. How nice of them to sing for me. Little spiders and undiscovered monsters made of love and pieces…

“The baby will fall…”

I giggled at the thought of it. Raining babies and…where was I again…?

No matter. My William would be here soon and we’d dance. Dance in the rain and the…

It’s in your head. Hiding there. Tucked away until you’re a bad girl and then…

NO! He’d come.

“When the bow…breaks…”
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