(no subject)

May 05, 2005 11:17

No matter how much she tries to deny it or cause me to think otherwise, I know Anya is hiding the fact that she is a demon. I just know it.

I had been spending every moment of my free time in some desolate part of campus researching. It wasn’t like I wanted Janey to know I had those types of books. I had them because of everything my dad and Donny had told me growing up. And I guess I feared that any of this information on demons would alert my new friend to my own secret. It was one secret I couldn’t risk getting out.

You see, I was part demon myself. Or at least that’s what I had always been told. Always shamed over and constantly reminded of. That’s where the magick came from they said, a place of evil. It originated from my mother’s side. So, they were to blame for this evil being inside me as dad always like to tell me. And Donny? Well, he liked to taunt and sometimes even get physical over it. I couldn’t wait to get away from them. From their lies. Their abuse. Their constant desecration of my mother’s memory. Even though I knew better, they still tried to convince me that was the specific cause of her death.

If Janey found out about this part of me, she wouldn’t want me around. I just know it. No one would for that matter.

Does this make me a hypocrite for being so determined to expose Anya for who she truly is? Would I want this same treatment?

Lost in my thoughts and feeling so very conflicted, I made my way across campus, heading back towards my own dorm. Hopefully I would be able to get back and get my books stashed away before Janey stopped in for a visit.

I clutched my books tightly to my chest, avoiding eye contact with everyone who passed by me. It was nothing truly out of the ordinary, I kept to myself. I always kept my gaze to the ground when I walked. I didn’t really have many friends outside of Janey. It had always been that way. I suppose that’s to be expected with a self esteem like the one I had. Yet another thing I can thank Dad and Donny for.

“No one will want to be your friend Tara. Not when they find out about you.” and the always famous “You’re nothing but a freak, Tara. A shy, stuttering demon freak.”

So, I kept to myself. Even though Janey and I were friends, I was still very guarded. As soon as she found out the truth, she would be gone. Just like they said.

Somehow, my Doc Marten boot caught the hem of my long skirt and I tripped, falling to the ground as my books spilled across the lawn. Way to go Tara I thought to myself as I scrambled to pick them up, my face glowing a bright red when I heard a few people laughing and clapping. I just kept my head down as I crawled around, picking everything up.

Goddess, please just let me hurry and clean this up and get to my room.

((Open to Anyone who wants to run into Tara))
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