Just making sure..

Apr 28, 2005 11:59

After mochas and a great deal of chatting, our little ‘exorcist’ group went their separate ways. I headed back to the room only briefly to gather a few things and maybe trek over to the library or somewhere else quite. I was sure that I had a bit of studying and maybe assignments to catch on from the class time I had missed. And as much as I hated to admit it, in the midst of everything else that had been going on around here lately, flunking out was one of the last things I needed to have to deal with at the moment.

However, it was that contract from Wolfram and Hart that ended up occupying most of my attention. I needed to look over it again, be sure what it meant I thought it did. After finding a suitably empty spot on the grounds and a ridiculously long amount of hemming and hawing (I could practically feel my twitches trying to surface), I pulled out my cell phone and dialed the number on the card Lilah had given me.

“Hello? Miss Morgan? This is Amy Madison. I…wanted to talk to you about those contracts you gave Tucker and I.”

[open to Lilah]
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