Looking for Trouble

Apr 18, 2005 12:11

So it was cool, I mean not "cool" but I had fun hanging out with Andrew and Jonathan. Actually a lot more fun than I thought I would. Sure I suppose being the only guy in the group of girls can get to you after a while, but I wasn't lacking for things to do. In fact I had miles of things to do. I could... well I could do lots of things. Right now though, I had chosen the path of least resistance, and lesser acting skills. The movie was okay. I mean I am not going to be praying for a directors cut DVD or anything, but I think I enjoyed the hanging out more than the abundance of Keanu.

However like most good things, and hopefully one day Mr. Reeves' acting career it had to end. Jonathan was all itching to study for some make up test, which if I had been of the college going type, I might be on the same plane. Not Latin of course, because I have enough trouble listening to Willow during the incantations. Then Andrew bailed out too. I suppose when your GPA is on the line there are things more important than playing spy games... for real.

So I dropped the two of them off at the dorm, let Jonathan show me some extended scene he had unlocked, that I didn't even know about in X2 and we said we would hang out again sometime. Now whether or not it happened? I wasn't really in the mood to wonder. I was just glad that I had some time with real people, thinking about the real world. There was no discussion of the end of the world. Well except that point when Andrew suggested that Keanu deserved an Oscar for something or another, but otherwise it was just "the guys" hanging out.

The compadres. The Three Amigos. The... I am thinking about this too much. Yeah. I need more guy friends, that is for sure.

Either way I was walking across the campus back toward my car and I spotted a brunette. Now my first instinct is pretty much to hide in case it is Faith, but thankfully there is no time to hide and when she turns around I see that it is not Faith. In fact, it hasn't been Faith anywhere. I had called the local Motels, the dives that she usually stayed at. I checked the Factory, the warehouse by the docks. I had done a lot of recon, but here I was still checking brunette's on the quad. Not that it was a bad thing. It was just, different looking for someone that should be sticking out like a sore thumb.

Faith on a College campus should be like this beacon of light or something. Maybe a neon sign above her flashing, Murderess, or something. I suppose I should be thankful that she hasn't turned up. Not that Buffy needed more to worry about. She had the whole Dawn and her friend thing to worry about, plus it was a big mess with that Succubus getting taken by the army guys. Which I guess I should look into.

Maybe I should instead check in with Buffy though. Make sure she hasn't turned anything up. Or at the least maybe let her know that it is a no-go on the Faith front as far as I could tell. I figure she took off for bigger and brighter things. Or at the very least out of the town that might want her back in jail.

I didn't know where to go. Should I go to the car and drive home? Maybe check out some more places? Do I call Buffy and see how she is? Do I check in on Joyce and Dawnie? Too many options, and of course not too many Xanders. Just me.

Me standing in the middle of the quad staring into space. Yep. Real smooth.

((Open to anyone. Bump into him, or something? He is just in the middle of the grass outside Jonathan and Andrew's dorm))
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