The White Lights

Mar 09, 2005 02:32

I could hear voices. Low and monotonous. Going on and one about something... subject? Testing... it didn't make any sense. Then again I barely had any recollection of the last few events that happened. I recalled feeling euphoric and flooded with power. Obviously Tucker and Amy had enough of me and opted to cut me loose. Their loss of course.

I tried to retrace my steps. The hotel, then the campus... slowly the pieces of the evening fell into place. My jaw hurt and I couldn't really move. It was bright too. Was I dead? I remember going to that club. It had been a feeding ground of lust and sex. I had been in heaven. Then that blonde... did he do something to me? How could that be? Somehow I started to hear a ringing in my ears. Accompanied by all the other noises I was getting more than annoyed. I tried to open my eyes, but the lights were to bright. The blonde had let me take him outside... then the girl. The girl. Who was she, and why did I feel a lot of anger all of a sudden.

I felt a pinprick at my arm, I wanted to swat it away but once again I found I was unable to move. Something was holding me down. The girl, she hit me. Punched me and knocked me out. That was the last thing I can remember.

Once again I tried to open my eyes, letting them adjust slowly to the lights. It seemed there were three floodlights being shone onto me. Quickly they were turned away from my face and I could faintly make out figures looming around me. I was cold. Suddenly I began to panic. I flexed my arms but the realization that it wasn't the I couldn't move... I had been restrained. This was not something I was accustomed to... well I had been restrained before, but it was silk scarves, never heavy leather cuffs at my wrists and ankles. It was more than uncomfortable it was unacceptable.

I tried to fight against the restraints, but whatever they had injected me with was making my limbs numb... soon I couldn't feel my extremities, and I couldn't move either. This wouldn't do at all.

((Open to ALL Iniative types... poke and prod at your own risk))
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