Mar 04, 2005 01:17
A blur. That is the best way to explain the last 12 hours. A blur. I remember sitting with Charlie at the Bronze, hanging out, laughing it up. I remember Buffy attacking her sister's friend. I remember thinking Dawn was not Dawn, still feeling sort of creepy uncle about that one. I remember Charlie's cell phone ringing, and her taking the call. A lot of that was all mixed into the blur part. I remember the look on her face when she left, and the realization that she wasn't coming back. Those are the bad parts of the night. The parts that are okay to fit into the blur. The parts I want to remember though? Those are the ones I can put in my auto-biography when I get famous. Then later on, Tom Cruise can recist the lines that I said in the movie about my life... although maybe Tom will be too old at the time. Maybe Orlando Bloom would be available.
Either way, they would tell the tale of my winning Candy Wrapper. Charlie walked out. That was the hard thing to watch. My heart sank and I was about to choke on my gum. I reached into my pocket to fish out something to wrap the gum into and found the familiar rustle of a candy wrapper. I had shoved it in the pocket earlier in the afternoon and pulled it out. I had never really looked at the things, my luck was never that good. However wad of gum between my fingers I pried open the wrapper and was immediately glad that I had taken the gum out first. Had I read the wrapper and still had gum in my mouth, I would have choked for sure.
Plain as day it was there. Congratulations You are a Winner! I took a few second glances, but it stayed the same. I flipped the wrapper over to see what I had actually won. It wasn't well lit in the club but I could make out a few things, I bolted from the table heading to the mens room to get better lighting. Sure enough, I had won. Not something lame like a years supply of candy, or a T-Shirt with some catchy slogan that I couldn't wear in public. I had won Seven Thousand, Seven Hundred and Seventy Seven dollars... and seventy seven cents. Enter blur mode again.
I might have said goodbye to Buffy, perhaps I did a bit of rejoicing? However I remember making the call to confirm my winnings... the woman telling me they would send a certified check as soon as I sent them the wrapper. I remember falling asleep, waking up and going to the post office. I sent that sucker overnight express, and started to make plans.
I knew I wanted to fix my car. Maybe even go on the road trip I had tried to over the summer. I was more than excited. I was giddy. I knew that it wasn't enough money to buy a house, or move out... but it was enough to spend frivolously on things that I didn't really need. Things that I could think would increase in value but never would. I wanted to start spending right away. I raced home and pilfered through the piles of junk mail until I finally found it.
Xander Harris you are Pre-Approved
I opened the envelope and yanked the card from the adhesive and dialed the 800 number to activate the card. I was about to spend some money. Once I dropped off my car I headed back downtown and made my first stop at the comic shop. I was going to get that Batman Statue from DC Direct. Plus I planned on doing some catching up on a few titles that I had been neglecting. I entered the shop hearing the familiar ding of the bell and taking in the smell of Polypropylene Protective Sleeves, and the musty odor of old paper. I pointed to the Batman statue on the shelf.
"Wrap it up my good man! I am going to browse a bit."
He nodded and began searching for the box. I wandered the shop a bit, glancing at the issues, picking up a few and putting them back. I grabbed the newest issue of Astonishing, and smirked. The art was great, but that is to be expected. Cassaday had been a favorite since the days of Planetary and Desperado. However when I flipped open to the first page I got a shock.
"What?? Colossus is alive?? When did that happen??"
((Open to Andrew!!!))