
Feb 18, 2005 03:15

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superhero_grrl February 28 2005, 19:03:53 UTC
I loved Xander. Even if our coverups were entirely mundane and falliable, I still loved that he knew when I needed one.

The girl was there, dancing, and I don't mean in a fun hey whee I'm dancing, no, she was a predator. She was looking to snare some guy and do things. Succubus like things!

I gave Charlie a small smile and walked towards the dancing girl. I was trying to be descret but the bronze regulars knew me, they'd seen me kill hundred's of vamps in this place, they knew to back off when I was stalking towards something. Though they sure as hell never believed what they saw. I'm sure it was gangs and PCP they convinced themselves of.

Whatever, so not the point.

I grabbed the blonde's arm and pulled her around to face me.

"Ok you. I've so had it with this whole suc ..."

The brunette who'd been dancing with her came into view. You've got to be kidding me!

"DAWN! What the hell are you doing with ... Give me one good reason why I shouldn't tell mom where you are and ... who the hell is this?"

I pointed at the blonde, if my sister knew the succubus I was going to kill her. I mean come on, this is Sunnydale, she so knows better.


exposedto_words March 1 2005, 16:58:25 UTC
They kept on rambling, and I was losing interest fast. How the heck did Taylor even tolerate this stuff. I know she is a lot older than me, but I was pretty sure I was smart, and this stuff was just trivial.

"You know it's too bad all you can do is regurgitate information instead of actually understanding it. Let me guess. You have a couple of books highlighted with important sounding quotes that can make you seem intellectually superior in front of women right? Yeah, that's what I thought. Come on Dawn."

Now that? Was awesome. It reminded me of that scene in Good Will Hunting when Matt Damon totally tells those ugly guys where they can stick their intelligence. I smirked at them as they just stood there not knowing which end was up anymore. She grabbed my hand and we headed to the dance floor.

"Some guys are such losers, all right Summers, let's dance."

After setting her drink down on a table, I did the same, it wasn't like I had really drank any of it anyway, but I had been sipping every so often. We moved onto the dancefloor and started to dance. I was glad that at least I could do that. I guess Mom dragging me to those classes when I was little at least gave me some sort of cooridination. We were dancing up a storm. Getting a bit sweaty, but still looking hot. After a while we had attracted a small group of guys, they would move up grind a bit, which was a bit awkward, and then get shoved away by Taylor. She was awesome.

"Ok you. I've so had it with this whole suc ..."

It was going pretty good until I heard something from behind me. I had my back to Taylor but when I heard her I spun around quick. My eyes met hers and I knew I was dead meat. Deader Meat... like the dead meat that they won't even use to make burgers at fast food places.

"DAWN! What the hell are you doing with ... Give me one good reason why I shouldn't tell mom where you are and ... who the hell is this?"

Okay, so I was in trouble. It was apparant, but here was the thing... she used to do this all the time, and it wasn't to go have fun... it was to go kill things. She could have died a million times, and here I was just dancing. Dancing! Not Slaying, or being all Chosen and stuff... so... she would just have to deal.

"First of all, this is Taylor...." I was going to fill in the rest, but thankfully Anya came running up to us, which for once might actually be a good thing.


finesse_bottom March 1 2005, 17:20:10 UTC
I couldn't believe much of anything these days. The voices in my head came in waves. Sometimes all loud and insistent, other times there were none at all. I think most the kids were scared now. There was too much death and chaos for them to really worry about their own small problems.

However the small problems were pretty huge in my book. At least for me anyway. I had left the small group at the coffee shop in somewhat of a rush. It was getting late, and I knew that someway or another that Succubus was going to get her man. I started at Parker's dorm, thinking he might have gone there. However he wasn't there. The guy across the hall from him, laughed at me. Shaking his head in a somewhat odd manner, as if he had seen many girls pounding on his doorway. I wondered if they knew he was in danger, or if Buffy and Willow had figured it out. However the boy was inclined to give me the last location of Parker. He sent me to the place where I first met Parker. I smiled, and once I was out of sight I teleported to where he should be. I was about to be his heroine. I would save him, and he would thank me in a very physical and sweaty manner.

I pushed the door open and it was dark inside. A bit cold and there was definitely something wrong with the whole scene. I moved through the building a bit until I found him. Sprawled on the floor... partially nude... and pretty much all the way dead. Well this was pretty much crappy. I had to think... where would she go after this?

People... boys... crowded areas... The Bronze! I teleported over to the Bronze and saw a small group of students dragging the limp body of a blonde girl... blonde!! The Succubus!! Who the heck where they? I watched, they put her into the back of a van, piled in and headed off. I wanted to follow them, but I had to tell Buffy what was going on. Maybe she had called these people to "take care of" the girl. I walked in to see Buffy attacking some other blonde girl. Then Buffy caught sight of her sister, and I hung back a bit. Not that I liked seeing sisters fight or anything, but maybe a wish would form in Dawn's head and I could have some fun again with Buffy.

"DAWN! What the hell are you doing with ... Give me one good reason why I shouldn't tell mom where you are and ... who the hell is this?"

"First of all, this is Taylor...."

Nope. No such luck. However that little Summer's girl has a lot of issues she needs to work out. I walked over and tapped Buffy on the shoulder. I guess she wasn't expecting that one, because she jumped a bit before turning to me. I waved a hello to her and smiled.

"Hey! So... that 'exchange student' you were looking for?? Yeah... she sort of took care of her 'project' and is leaving with 'relatives'?"

That so didn't make sense. It was Scoobie code though. I remember the annoying things they would say to try to keep the others out of the loop.

"I know you wanted to 'catch her' before she left... but too late. A group of students are driving her somewhere."

She looked at me then at Dawn. This was a tough call for Buffy. Yell at sister, or find out what the hell Anya is talking about. I had a feeling she would go for talking to me, and leave the sister for later. After all, Dawn is a good kid.


superhero_grrl March 3 2005, 03:30:21 UTC
"First of all, this is Taylor...."

Taylor? Mom said she wasn't the succubus but that didn't really mean anything because I loved my mom but she couldn't pick out a demon if they were her best friend.

I jumped at a hand on my shoulder, turning around near ready to knock someone out, I saw Anya.

Why was Anya ... Nevermind, obviously for her to seek me out that meant there was trouble, or something.

"Hey! So... that 'exchange student' you were looking for?? Yeah... she sort of took care of her 'project' and is leaving with 'relatives'?"

Exchange student? What? Oh right. The lets pretend we're talking about this, but we're not. Did she learn that from Xander? But she was leaving? With relatives, which meant no boy to kill.

I glanced at Dawn who looked more than relieved that there was slayer business afoot.

"I know you wanted to 'catch her' before she left... but too late. A group of students are driving her somewhere."


I looked back at Dawn and sighed.

"I'll deal with you later, and because I'm the best sister in the world I won't mention this to mom. She so doesn't need to be worrying about both of us all the time. But promise me you'll be careful."

I looked at Taylor. "Nice to not quite meet you and sorry for the weirdness, I'm sure Dawn will explain that ... what would you call me Dawn? A Spaz."

I smiled and turned to Anya and walked a little further from them.

"Ok. So she was here, and students are taking her? As in someone captured her already? Someone's ... who the hell would even know about her?"

I wasn't exactly asking her these questions, but there they were.


finesse_bottom March 3 2005, 06:43:16 UTC
Dawn looked uncomfortable, in the dress as well as the situation. Poor girl. Anyway, less about her more about the deadness of my potential sex partner.

"I'll deal with you later, and because I'm the best sister in the world I won't mention this to mom. She so doesn't need to be worrying about both of us all the time. But promise me you'll be careful. Nice to not quite meet you and sorry for the weirdness, I'm sure Dawn will explain that ... what would you call me Dawn? A Spaz."

I smiled. Buffy was a spaz. Of course she was a spaz with all that super power. So I was wary. She said her farewells to the two underage minors and shooed me into a corner to talk more. She was very pushy.

"Ok. So she was here, and students are taking her? As in someone captured her already? Someone's ... who the hell would even know about her?"

"She was here, but before she was here, she was with Parker, who by the way is dead now. Then I guess she came here to find more men to enslave and instead found some trouble. A group of five or six student looking types were hauling her into some big black van of sorts. She looked pretty out of it, so I am thinking they killed her, or drugged her... or she is a sound sleeper. As for how anyone knew about her? I have no clue. I didn't put up flyers or anything."

I glanced around and saw Xander... Xander with some girl. Huh. Of course it wasn't like I was still interested in him. Was he laughing?? I shook it off, trying to ignore this happy cuter version of Xander. I turned my attention back to Buffy. She looked all foot-tappy at me, and I had no idea what her problem was. I mean I told her someone died but the girl was taken care of. Sure dead guy is bad, but it isn't like it is the first time, and from the looks of it? I don't think he died from her... I mean he didn't look like he died in a moment of passion... more like a seizing fit of pain.

"So... I think I am going to go back to the dorms. Tara is already all worried that I am odd as it is. I don't need this to add to it."


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