
Feb 18, 2005 03:15

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[Open to anyone] burninating February 18 2005, 18:40:04 UTC
"I'm going to need to see your ID," the lady bartender asked me ( ... )


Re: [Open to anyone] robo_pimp_daddy February 21 2005, 05:53:19 UTC
So it wasn't exactly like I didn't have anything better to do with my night. I mean, I could have just as easily stayed in and continued working on .. some projects or something. Tucker was never around anymore, which was great because it meant I always had the room to myself. Besides, it wasn't like the Bronze was that cool or anything anyway. I'd been there a couple of times once back in high school. I didn't actually go inside or anything, but I pretty much got a feel for the whole scene just walking by. I just felt sorry for Andrew is all. When I got his message, he sounded so pathetic. I couldn't really blame him, either. Really, the kid was hanging out with Jonathan Levinson for crying out loud. Besides, Andrew had always been a sore subject for Tucker -- a fact that I could always use to my advantage sometime down the line if I were to befriend Andrew now. After all, I still owed Tucker for that whole stomach virus thing back at Dutton ( ... )


burninating February 21 2005, 06:53:31 UTC
I realized (as I was on my third guy) that arcade Joust was way different than on a home gaming system. On Atari, I could ruin it, but here -- I was just flailing. But, I had a pocket full of quarters and this game hadn't seen the last of me. No ho ho. This game would bow to my fury! Just as soon as I got my Joust groove back. Oh yeah ( ... )


robo_pimp_daddy February 22 2005, 02:17:04 UTC

My eyebrows lifted as I watched Andrew throw his little tantrum after his last guy was defeated. Not quite the reaction I'd been expecting, but it was amusing enough to watch him throw a fit over losing a game of Joust. Apparently he hadn't recognized my voice because when he turned to face me, he looked more than a little surprised to see me standing there.

"Oh! Hey! Yeah, um. I was trying out a new technique and... yeah. It didn't work.""Of course you were," I decided to humor him while he made himself a bit more comfortable up against the machine he'd just been playing. So far it seemed every one of Tucker's stories about his annoying little brother were turning out to be pretty spot-on. Kind of sad, when you think about it. This kid seemed nothing like Tucker, and yet they were both brought up in the same household, with the same parents. Then again, Tucker was a sociopath, so that might have had something to do with the difference in their personalities. Slowly, I took a look around the crowd of gamers. Thankfully there ( ... )


burninating February 22 2005, 02:45:53 UTC
I sat there, trying to wrap my head around the previously-unconsidered (by me) notions that Tucker ever 1) had to ask someone to hang out with him or 2) actually followed someone around. Warren must be even cooler than I'd imagined. I originally though he was cool because he stood up to Tucker, but here he was, indicating that it wasn't, like, a one-time deal. And yet, he was hanging out with me. I felt a little jolt of shock run through me that anyone would choose to hang out with me instead of my brother... but it was squashed by realizing that Warren was probably just hanging out with me because Tucker was busy with his girlfriend ( ... )


robo_pimp_daddy February 22 2005, 03:15:44 UTC
"Come on," I prompted Andrew before grabbing him by the elbowand tugging him in the direction of the commotion. We hadn't even gone two feet before Andrew pulled away from me, while saying something about how he could do it without my help. I held up my hands, you know, like they do in the movies to show no signs of aggression. I hadn't realized that he was so moody. Or maybe he was just bipolar. That must have been it, judging by the way he'd gone and apologized right after making it into some big deal.

"Don't worry about it .." I assured him, albeit somewhat hesitantly. I couldn't really blame him for being semi-weird. Not only was he related to Tucker, but he'd actually introduced me short stop Jonathan Levinson as his 'best friend.' The poor guy didn't know any better, he was just a result of shitty circumstance -- molded by his environment or whatever. It was a good thing I'd decided to come hang out with him. Andrew needed an intervention like, yesterday. Last week, even. After I was sure he was cool again, the two of us ( ... )


burninating February 22 2005, 06:52:23 UTC
I wasn't sure what the fight was about, but man -- those girls were mad. From what I could gather, one girl was maybe dancing with someone else's boyfriend? And then, they got all Van Damme in Kickboxer -- but like, more hair-pully. And then the scorned girl was all "Step off, bitch. That's my man." And then the other girl went down.

Actually, it was sort of cool, I guess. It was like TV. Physical fights still made me feel a little nauseous, but it wasn't so bad when the boxers were two sorority girls. I nodded at Warren, who was obviously into the whole "catfight" scenario. I shouldn't have been surprised -- I guess most guys are into seeing pretty girls, uh, wrestle. But Warren seemed like he wasn't like most guys ( ... )


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