
Feb 18, 2005 03:15

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summoned_sex February 18 2005, 09:33:48 UTC
I wasn't sure what had happened. It seemed so sudden. I had been walking around town just drawing energy from casual glances. Then something pulled at me. It wasn't what I had thought it was. At first my instincts said the spell that Amy and Tucker had failed. That whatever wanted me before was making another attempt. Although it was different this time. It wasn't weakening me. It was making me stronger. Whatever was going on somehow felt like a good thing.

I moved off the main streets and into an alley to let whatever was happening happen. It was a surge of power. As if whatever I had given to Amy and Tucker was being given back to me. It was almost too much to take. I wasn't sure what they did but I was glad they had. I stayed there for a while letting the energy regulate itself through my body.

That was three hours ago at least. Time seemed to be seperate from me now. All this energy was not only slowing things for me, it was making me even more powerful than I had been. I felt free. That was the moment I knew. They had rid themselves of me. Like something unwanted. I gave them everything. Followed their orders for the most part and they discarded me. Brought me into the world only to be rid of me so quickly. I wasn't complaining. I hadn't wanted to be bound to them except for protection. I couldn't have planned it better if I tried.

I walked the streets. It was night now, those that were out were looking for the same thing as me. Release. Fun. Anything but their normal lives. I turned the corner and saw a line of people waiting to get into a club. I smiled knowing that this could very well be the best place for me to go. I walked towards the front of the line. A few groans of disbelief were dismissed with a wink from me, and the large male at the door let me in without so much as a second glance.

I pushed through the front doors and took it all in. The sensation of desires was intoxicating. I could get an energy draw just off the air in here. This was perfect. I pulled a random male off of his chair and dragged him onto the floor. Grinding against him I took tiny bits of energy from him... from the guy staring at me.. from the girl lusting after my shoes... I took it all in....


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