justprompts - Carry On My Wayward Son

Mar 12, 2009 01:00

(Ben = poorlil_richboy.)

Ten times you sucked it up.


"I hate ties," Sunny mumbled. The nine year old boy batted his hair from his eyes and stared at himself in the mirror.

"It's not that bad," his sister smirked.

He gave her a look. "Then you wear it."

His sixteen year old sister got to her knees and reached to loosen his tie a bit and make it straight. She gave him a warm smile. "Now now Sunny, you know Mom and Dad would flip if I wore anything out of the ordinary."

Sunny frowned. "I know. I still hate it."

"We just hafta appease them until we're eighteen, bud." She patted his shoulder and he nodded. "You ready?"

"Yea, yea," he grumbled, following her out the door.


"How could you fail?" Sunny's father threw the exam onto the kitchen counter. "It's geometry, not fucking rocket science!"

"Maybe I just suck," Sunny shrugged, glancing away.

"Or maybe you're an idiot." His father shook his head.

"I'm not," Sunny grumbled. "It's just...hard."

"You have two months to fix your grade in this class or you're shipping off to that school up north. And you have five seconds to fix your attitude before I fix it for you."

Sunny's eyes darkened and aimed to the floor. He was always threatened with boarding school, and half the time he thought it might be better than this. He set his shoulders and raised his head, letting out a sigh. "Yes, sir," he said firmly.


"Excuse me?" Sunny asked.

"Drag," the other boy smirked. "Or...can you not take a bet?"

Sunny's eyes narrowed and he glanced at Ben who shrugged. He looked back at his classmate. "I can take it," he nodded. "And win it." He smiled and turned to walk away. Oh shit. He was going to have to wear a dress.


"Hey man, Brown's a great school," Ben nudged his shoulder.

"Course it is," Sunny nodded. "Whole family goes there." He tossed some things into a box.

Ben shook his head. "It's a lot closer than USC."

"That's the point," Sunny said, giving him a look. "California is across the country."

"And I'm not," Ben smirked.

Sunny sighed. "I know." He shrugged. "Whatever. I'll live."


"I'm not working for the company." Sunny shook his head at his father. "I know that's been your little plan for me since I was born, but find someone else."

"And just what do you think you'd do?" The elder Baker watched his son, almost amused.

"I don't know. Not that."

"You want to be an astronaut? A rock star?"

"No. I...I don't know. Maybe open my own bar or something," Sunny shrugged.

His father snorted. "Right. I respect your business mind, but no son of mine is going to own a bar. You'll work in the family business. Or you could be like your sister..." Sunny's jaw tightened at that. He wanted to punch his father, but he restrained. "I expect you at the office at nine AM on Monday."

"Yes sir," he replied thickly.


"Suck it up and stop crying."

Sunny was only five, but he knew when to obey his parents. He nodded and wiped his face quickly. "Yes, sir."


"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!"

"What Harrison?" The woman glanced at him from where she stood in the foyer with the old, smelly lady from down the hall. A six year old Harrison came to a halt before them.

"Uhhhh...nothing," he said. He locked his hands behind his back and stared up at the women.

"Then please go play in your room. Mommy and Mrs. Garrett are talking."

"Yes Mommy."


"Harrison...stop." His mother held up her hand and rubbed the bridge of her nose. "We don't have tantrums, and we don't shout family business for everyone to hear."

"But Mommy-"

She cut the eight year old off. "And you're old enough to stop calling me Mommy. It's Mom."

"Yes, Mom," he whispered, looking down.


"You okay, Sunny?" Tori's kind voice came through the line and Sunny closed his eyes with a sigh. High school was proving to be rough, and he hated not having his sole confidant in the same house.

"I guess."

"It'll get better, I promise. Don't let it weigh you down."

"Isn't this where I'm supposed to tell you everything is fine and I am manly and capable?" His voice was deep and mocking.

Tori laughed. "No, little brother. You're supposed to tell me the truth. Please. I know the old man ingrained it in you that men don't talk, but if you shut me out I will just...cry. So talk."

Sunny smiled slightly. Truth was his sister was the only one he really opened up to. He felt she was the only one he was allowed to open up to. "Well..." he started slowly. "I did meet this one guy who seems cool.."


"Harrison." The young man looked up at his father, hot tears in his eyes. He didn't speak. He wasn't sure what his voice would do if he tried. His father shook his head. "Wash your face. We have people coming to pay their respects. You need to be down there shaking hands."

"No," he whispered. He glanced away, a glare in his eyes. "Don't feel like it."

"Doesn't matter what you feel like," his father said stiffly. "It's the proper thing to do."

Sunny's fists were clenching tight at his sides. He didn't want to go down and mingle with his parents acquaintances. He wanted to sit in his room and grieve for the sister they had just buried. He shook his head.


"Coming," he muttered through gritted teeth. He went into his bathroom to rinse cold water over his face and looked himself in the mirror. Sixteen and he still couldn't stand up to his old man. He straightened his tie.

""We just hafta appease them until we're eighteen, bud. You ready?"

"Yea, yea, I'm ready," he murmured to his reflection. Then he turned and headed downstairs.

[with] dad, [comm] justprompts, [with] mom, [with] ben malone, [with] tori baker

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