Kidnappings, Closets, and Some Hanky Panky

Feb 22, 2009 13:59

(Co-written with itsa_nickname. Nellie = lil_nellie, Miranda = lovely_msstone.)

Nellie jumped from the town car as soon as it pulled up in front of Sunny's building. She was dressed sleekly in all black and had her hair up, out of the way. She and Miranda had just nabbed Maggie from her place and were on a mission. She peeked inside at the girls and gave Maggie a look. "Alright, c'mon, darlin'. Outta the car."

Maggie grumbled slightly as she got to her feet, Miranda pushing her out in front of her. "I want to state, for the record, that I protest this greatly."

Nellie slipped an arm through Maggie's. "Protestin' what? We're just stoppin' for a friendly visit with our dear, dear Sunny."

"I am here against my will," she stated, giving her a look. "This is kidnapping."

"Against your will?" She glanced over at Miranda. "Do you see her running away?"

"Nope," Miranda smirked. "No I do not."

"I was kidnapped," Maggie said, glaring back at them.

Nellie led the way in, waving at the doorman who knew them all by face, and up to the elevator. "Honey...since when do kidnapped victims blush?"

She dropped her jaw in a shocked look. "I am not blushing."

"No?" Nellie asked innocently. "Must be the lighting."

Maggie glared back at her before starting to shove her friends off her. "Forget it. I'm leaving."

"Oh relax. We're all just goin' to hang out. No one will even mention the hot, drunk sex." The elevator doors opened and Nellie nodded for Miranda to lead the way out.

"Nope. You guys have fun," she said with a sigh, pushing them off her. "I'll stay home tonight."

Nellie gave her a look. "Maggie...I'm sorry. I'll stop teasin'. Come on, just come in. For us." She gave Maggie her sweetest pout, waiting for Miranda to chime in.

Miranda didn't pout, just gave her friend a look that said that they'd gotten this far, they might as well go through with it, and Maggie huffed slightly, before stepping out of the elevator and following their lead towards the apartment.

Nellie smiled and went over to knock on Sunny's door. When he hadn't opened it after a moment or two, she knocked again. "Heyyy, I'm coming," he grumbled from the other side. Yes, he had just gotten up. He rubbed his eyes as he yanked the door open. Standing in just his jeans, he looked over the girls. He was slightly surprised, of course. His eyes stopped on Maggie. He hadn't seen her since that morning and at that moment he was...well...he didn't know. He made himself move his eyes away and smirked. "Am I still dreaming?"

"Are you?" Maggie snapped on instinct. "I could pinch you, just to be sure."

Sunny's smirk faded quickly and he looked at her again. "Something I can do for you ladies?" he asked a bit coolly.

"Ask them," Maggie replied, gesturing to the two girls flanking her. "I was kidnapped."

This amused Sunny. And yes, put more not so innocent images in his head. "Kidnapped?"

"Sunny...darlin'..." Nellie smiled at him sweetly. "Turn around and start walkin'."

"Excuse me?" He raised a brow at her, then glanced at the other two.

"This is for your own good," she said. She grabbed onto his arm and pushed him back.

"Whoa!" He stumbled a bit, surprised. "What the hell?!"

Maggie frowned slightly, but didn't fight Miranda much as she did the same, dragging her friend into the apartment. "What's going on?"

"You two need to talk," Nellie said simply.

Sunny rolled his eyes. "Fucking hell. We did talk. It's done and over. Drop it."

"He has a point," Maggie replied. "I don't know what else there is to talk about."

His jaw went a bit tight and he shrugged. "We can't keep going over and over something so...unmemorable."

Maggie's head turned back to him again, raising an eyebrow in shock. "Unmemorable?"

He shrugged, not meeting her eyes. "Well...I was drunk after all." Nellie rolled her eyes and started communicating to Miranda silently about moving towards one of Sunny's closets.

Miranda followed her lead, but now Maggie was starting to struggle. "Hey, wait -- I don't want to do this anymore."

Sunny all but ignored Nellie pushing at him. "Big surprise," he muttered, making sure it was loud enough for Maggie to hear.

"Oh, bite me," Maggie said, glaring back at him as she got pushed forward. "You don't want me here either."

"Why would I want anyone here against there will?" he snapped back, now completely oblivious to what was going on around them.

"You wouldn't want me here, even if I did want to be here."

Nellie just rolled her eyes, still holding onto Sunny's arm and reaching to open the closet. "Okay, just stop with the 'woe is me' bullshit, Maggie," Sunny replied.

"Woe is me?" Maggie said, glaring back at him as she shoved Miranda off her. "This is not self-pity. This is just fact."

"Whatever," he shook his head.

"I'm so out of here," Maggie replied, shaking her head as she started to stalk back towards the door.

Sunny shook his head and started to step away, but Nellie centered her gravity, grounded her feet, and slammed a hand into his chest. She glared menacingly. "Don't. Move."

Miranda stepped between Maggie and the door, and Maggie raised an eyebrow at her. She started to move to go and shove past her when Miranda charged at her, pushing her back into the closet with a heavy push. Nellie took this moment to shove Sunny into the closet, into Maggie, and step back for Miranda to slam the door shut.

Which she did, leaning back against the door and gesturing for Nellie to grab one of the nearby chairs. "Chair, chair! Quick!"

Nellie jumped and pushed the chair across the floor to Miranda, moving to help hold the door. On the other side, Sunny jumped from where he'd landed against Maggie and turned to hit the door. "What the hell!?"

"This is for your own good!" Miranda shouted back, before shoving the top of the chair under the doorknob to keep it closed.

Maggie just pouted where she was. "Told you I was being kidnapped."

Nellie giggled and looked at Miranda, her hand up for a high five. "Ice cream?" Sunny pounded the door, determined to get out, and ignoring Maggie.

"Yes, please," Miranda nodded, before moving away from the door and heading into the kitchen.

"Nellie! Miranda!" Sunny shouted through the door. "Stop this shit and let us out!"

"They're not going to," Maggie sighed, burying her face in her hands. "God I should have seen this coming."

"Seen what?" He spun around, arms crossed, and leaned against the door. "What are your friends doing?"

"They're trying to get us to talk, and realize that we have feelings for each other or some bullshit like that."

"Why would they want that? Do you have...feelings?" Yes, he was bitter, and yes, his voice was showing it.

And that wasn't exactly helping Maggie be forthcoming. "No. Of course not."

"Me either, so I guess that covers it." He slid down to sit on the floor. "Now we just wait for them to stop being insane and OPEN THE DOOR!" He said, shouting the last part in hopes they would hear.

Maggie just sighed before sinking down to the floor. "Don't bother. They're leaving us here until they think we've been in here enough."

"Fantastic," he sighed. His eyes glanced down at her leg against his, and he tried his best to ignore the feeling of it.

"Yup," she sighed, leaning back and closing her eyes. "Might as well get comfortable."

He shook his head and fell silent. It took a long while before he tired of the silence and sighed. "So...are we just going to ignore each other until they let us out?"

"I don't know," she shrugged. "I don't exactly have anything to say."

"Right. Why would you."

"Well, you said it yourself -- we talked things out."

"Yea," he said softly.

"So what else is there to say."

He looked over at her. "Well...Miranda seems to think...that you do like me.."

Maggie rolled her eyes slightly, before shaking her head. "Miranda is convinced that everyone likes someone."

"So...she's wrong?"

"I like you as a friend, Sunny," she sighed. "Not as more than that."

"Right," he nodded.

"Right," she sighed.

"Yep." He sighed and leaned his head back, closing his eyes. His hand dropped to his side, his fingers accidentally sliding against her ankle. She glanced down, surprised at the contact, before sighing heavily and just leaning back against the wall some more. He kept quiet for a bit. Eventually, his fingers started playing against her skin softly. Not something he completely realized he was doing, but more like it was something natural between them.

Maggie didn't quite notice at first, until she looked down and saw his fingers. "What're you doing?"

He opened his eyes and looked down, then stopped. It took a moment before he pulled his hand back. "Sorry," he said quietly.

"It's okay," she said softly, before leaning back against the wall again.

He watched her, chewing his lip slightly. Maggie's eyes stayed on the door in front of them, just sighing slightly as she waited, not sure what exactly Miranda and Nellie were trying to get at, and not exactly appreciating it either. Frustration got the best of him and he slammed his head back into the door. "Mags."

"What?" she asked, her eyes shifting slightly to look at him.

He shook his head, not meeting her eyes. Then he sighed and moved to take her hand gently, pulling her towards himself.

She didn't move at first. "What?" He just met her eyes and pulled her hand again. She huffed slightly, before doing as he insisted and moving forward so that she was closer. He pulled her towards his lap, his hand slipping up her arm. "What?" she asked as she got closer, bracing herself on his shoulders to still keep him at a distance.

His hands circled to her back, his fingers brushing her back slowly. "I...don't know," he admitted.

"Then why are you doing this?" she frowned, giving him a look as she looked back at him.

"I don't know," he whispered again, trying to hold her closer as he leaned in a bit.

"Think you can give me a better reason than that?" she replied, pushing herself back as she moved in closer. He watched her for a minute, his hand starting to rub her back more, before moving to kiss her. She let him for a minute, but she didn't relax any, pushing him back again once she's recovered from the shock. "Words, Sunny."

"I don't have any," he said. "I..." He looked down. "Why...why does everyone say you like me just seems I disgust you."

"You don't -- it's not disgust," she said giving him a look. "I just know how you work. I've seen you with other girls, and I don't want to just be another notch on your frickin' belt, alright? So I keep you at arm's length. There's nothing wrong with that. And a kiss can mean a lot of different things, so there's nothing wrong with actually wanting you to talk to me, as oppose to making me play charades."

His head leaned back as he avoided her eyes again. "I don't know what I'm supposed to''re not another girl. You''re Maggie."

"And what does that mean, Sunny?" Maggie said, giving him a look. "You don't talk to people, you just expect us to guess what you're thinking, and I don't have the time to put in that kind of effort all the time. So explain yourself, because I can't do it for you."

His eyes closed and he breathed, really trying, but the talking thing was hard for him. "You're...better than all the rest. You're...real and...and...the most beautiful woman I've ever known," he muttered quietly. "And...I don't know what I'm supposed to do about it."

She looked at him for a minute, before moving in closer to him, letting her forehead rest against his for a minute. "Don't make me regret this."

He shook his head. "Why would you want...I'm not a boyfriend, Mags."

"Have you ever tried?"

His eyes opened to look at her. "Why would you want me to?"

She shrugged slightly. "Maybe I think you actually have it in you."

"'d just be an experiment on your end?"

"No," she said, giving him a look.

"Then tell me what it'd be."

"It'd be a relationship," she said. "It'd involve a little give and take, and some commitment."

"And why would you want to waste that time on me?" He looked at her, confused. He really wasn't fishing for compliments, he just didn't understand why she would want him for anything more than friends with benefits.

She shrugged slightly. "Maybe I just see something in you I like."

He pulled her close again and let his mouth brush the corner of her lips. "I don't want to talk anymore," he murmured.

"You will have to talk to me, on occasion," she said, closing her eyes as she went to him this time.

His lips pulled at hers slightly. "I know."

"Good," she nodded, responding to the kiss slightly. He let his mouth slip across her cheek, then down to taste her neck gently. She kept her eyes closed before starting to speak up again. "It's bad enough I don't remember the first time, we're not doing it in a closet for the second."

"Okay," he whispered, continuing with what he was doing. His hand moved down against her leg.

"Sunny," she said, her tone starting to slip back into annoyed again.

He chuckled. "I'm not trying to have sex with you," he said. "I'm just...biding my time." He kissed his way back up her jaw and cheek, as his thumb gently moved against her thigh.

"Mmm-hmm. Well, you can bide your time another way."

He pulled back to give her a pout. "You don't like this?"

"I do. But eventually one of us is going to get too worked up, and we're going to wind up doing that thing I don't want us doing."

"You want to do it, you just don't want to do it here," he corrected with a cute smile.

"If we're doing it here, we're still doing something I don't want to do," she said, giving him a look.

"But you still want me," he said, slipping into a grin. His hand moved from her leg and he leaned back against the door. "You can admit it. I won't jump you."

"Yes, Sunny," she sighed, the look still on her face. "I still want you."

He smiled. "Good to know." He raised a brow, pulling her close. He was still in just his jeans from the surprise visit. "Keep close then. I'm cold." She rolled her eyes, but did as he said, settling in close to her. His arms wrapped around her and he held onto her, rubbing her back slowly, and resting his head to hers.

Out in the kitchen, Nellie looked at Miranda. "It's been pretty quiet out you think she killed him?"

Miranda frowned for a minute, listening, before shrugging. "I don't know. She's not exactly the homicidal type."

Nellie thought this over. "Think we should check on them?"

"They could just be doing this to freak us out and get them to check on them," Miranda pointed out.

"True..." Nellie tapped her chin. "What do you want to do?"

"I say we give 'em another hour, then check for signs of life."

"Works for me," Nellie nodded.

Back in the closet, Sunny still held Maggie close. He kissed the top of her head softly. "See?" she sighed, closing her eyes slightly. "This isn't so bad."

"Hmmm.." His finger slid to her chin and he tipped her head back to lean in and kiss her slowly. "Still.." She kissed him back, enjoying the kiss, but making sure his hands didn't wander elsewhere. He groaned softly. "I want to get out of this closet and have something to remember."

"Yeah, well -- we're stuck here until further notice," Maggie sighed. "Unless you know a way to bait them to open the door."

"I have a feeling they won't listen to much we say."

"Yeah, that's what I thought too," she sighed.

He smirked. "You sure you don't want to have some fun in here? I'm sure I could get you loud enough to be believable." She glared back at him, starting to pull away slightly. He smiled, not letting her get far. "I'm kidding," he said. " the in here part. The rest? I can totally do for you."

"Uh-huh," she said, rolling her eyes slightly.

He frowned. "Fine. Nevermind."

"I'm kidding," she said, giving him a look. "You're not the only one who can do that, ya know."

"Better be," he nodded, his lips turning up slightly. "Not trying to be full of myself, just...the idea of...doing it for you."

"What about it?" she asked, raising an eyebrow slightly.

"What do you mean?"

"What about the idea of doing it for me?"

He shrugged and looked down, toying with her fingers slightly. "I don't...don't just want to roll around or whatever. I thrill you. Take you somewhere...I don't know," his cheeks reddened. "It's stupid."

"I didn't say that," she grinned, pushing up slightly so that she was looking at him more. "You want to thrill me?"

He licked his lips, still avoiding her eyes. "Maybe leave you comatose for a couple days."

"Those are high standards you're setting, Mr. Baker."

"Didn't say I could," he shrugged.

"But you want to?" He nodded, keeping his face down. It was a lot easier to joke about things like that and turn on the cocky tone, then tell her what he really wanted. She bit her lip slightly, before shifting so that her body was pressed against him more. "What else do you want to do to me?"

He breathed slowly at the feel of her body and moved his hands to her hips. "Mmm, explore every inch of you?"

"Mmm-hmmm," she nodded, using that as a signal for him to keep going.

He was having a difficult time controlling how his body was reacting to the conversation, and he pulled at her hips to get her closer. His mouth moved along her ear. "Taste you.." She closed her eyes for a moment as her body moved against his, her arms sliding around her neck as she got closer. He groaned softly as he mentioned a few more exact details in her ear, his hands starting to slide down her hips to her thighs.

"I really think we need to get out of this closet," she sighed, leaning in to him a little more.

"Mmhmm," he murmured, sucking at her ear softly.

"We need a plan."

"I'm listening."

"We have to get them to open the door."


"Hold on, I'm thinking."

"Think fast," he nodded, his fingers starting to roam again.

"Sunny," she said, giving him a look.

"Do you have your cell?"

She paused for a minute, sitting back and patting down her pockets. "Maybe." He waited, an idea brewing in his head. She smiled slightly after a minute, before pulling the phone out of her pocket. "Got it."

He grinned and took it from her. "Knew there was a reason I wanted you." He took the phone and dialed the main number for his building, waiting as it rang. Maggie shook her head slightly, before pulling away from him so he could work.

"Yes, Johnathon. This is Harrison Baker...mmhmm. Listen, I have a slight problem. Those girls you let in earlier? Total psychopaths. I thought I told you never to let the blonds in again?....Yes, I did say that...they've got some screws loose and they've locked me in my closet. It sounds like they're out there stealing my stuff...yes. Break the door down, I don't care., we'll call the cops when you get me out. Okay, thanks." He hung up and handed Maggie the phone with a grin.

Maggie looked over at him with a smirk. "Oh, you didn't."

He chuckled. "Now how much do you want me?"

"Don't know. Depends on if your plan actually works."

"Oh it's going to work," he nodded. "I pay a good portion of that man's salary. Question is, should we actually call the cops?"

"No," Maggie shook her head. "I just want out of the closet."

Sunny jumped slightly as a pounding came on the front door. In the kitchen, Nellie jumped too, her ice cream spoon flying through the air. Eyes wide, she looked at Miranda as the front door flew open. Nellie shrieked.

"Building security!" A voice shouted.

"Oh crap," Miranda groaned, rolling her eyes slightly as she went to open the door. The two large security guards were already moving through the living room surveying the damage. One went to find Nellie and Miranda while the other moved to the jammed closet door to release the hostages. Miranda looked over at them before frowning. "Is there a problem?"

"We got a report of...mischief," the large man said, unsure what else to call it. He crossed his arms. "You two can stay right here until Mr. Baker calls the police."

In the other room, the closet was freed and the door opened. Sunny fell back on his back and grinned up at the other security guard. "Thank God you're here, Jeff."

Miranda pouted and crossed her arms in front of her chest. "Told you we should have taken her phone."

"Maybe you should have done that before the power shove," Nellie muttered.

Sunny rolled up and got off the floor, then leaned in to help Maggie out. He looked over at Jeff. "Thanks, man. Really. And...look, you guys just take off okay? I'll deal with the Nutjob Blondies."

"Nutjob?!?" Miranda gasped.

He turned to glare at her. "You locked us in the fucking closet!"

"We only wanted you two to realize your passionate love for each other," Nellie shrugged innocently. The two security guards looked around uncertainly, and quickly made their departure, telling Sunny to call if anything else was needed.

Maggie sighed slightly as she climbed out of the closet. "Passionate love?"

Sunny shook his head. "You two want to see passion?" He leaned over and wrapped his arm around Maggie's legs and hoisted her over his shoulder. "I'm taking her to bed, feel free to stick around if that's really what you want."

Maggie shrieked as she landed over his shoulder, and Miranda giggled slightly, before taking Nellie's arm. "C'mon honey. I think our work here is done."

Nellie shook her head and pulled Miranda out the door quickly. "Out out, I don't wanna be here for this part."

Before they were out the door, Sunny was already moving towards the bedroom. He pushed the door shut and went over to her bed, softly dropping Maggie onto it. He gave her a grin and moved to lean over her.

"Was that really necessary?" Maggie said, raising an eyebrow.

He wasn't sure which part she meant, but it didn't matter. "Completely," he nodded. His finger moved to brush her cheek slowly as he dropped his body closer to hers. "If I remember correctly..." he moved his lips to her neck. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back, letting him do as he wanted and just soaking in the sensations. He smirked as his mouth moved down her throat and chest. "Forgive me if I don't remember what you liked last time."

"I don't think I'd mind if you tried to find it again."

"Let me know how I'm doing," he murmured, nipping at the skin on her collarbone. His hand slid down her hip and toyed about the skin above her waistband.

"You're doing just fine," she murmured, her hip bucking against his hand.

His tongue dipped against her skin softly and he let his thumb slide further down her hip, underneath her pants. She sighed softly as she arched into him, pushing her body closer. He pulled up and rested to his free arm that propped beside her head. He kept his eyes on her face as he popped the button on her pants and let his hand gently roam more.

She looked up at him, meeting his eyes as her body moved against his touch. He wasn't usually one for directness, in either talk or looking, but in that moment he couldn't look away. His heart pounded in his chest as he pulled her pants from her hips and trailed his hand down to her thigh. Her leg slid up against his once the pants were down, sliding her arms around his shoulders and pulling him in closer.

He moved closer, but still kept his eyes on hers. His fingers moved up the inside of her thighs and pressed at her slowly. She held the eye contact for a moment, before leaning in closer and kissing him again, tightening her arms around his shoulders. His eyes dropped shut as he kissed her back, his focus on the rest of her body fading for a moment as he just enjoyed tasting her. She sighed softly into the kiss, pushing her body up against his. He groaned her name softly, pushing his body back against hers, needing more contact.

She started to slide her hands down his chest, reaching for the button on his jeans as she went. His teeth raked her lip at the feeling of her hands where they were, and he let his hand return to where it had been, gently easing her legs apart to touch further. She followed his lead, still undoing the fly of his jeans and pushing them off his hips. He kicked out of them, keeping his body close to hers, wanting to do everything for her that he had mentioned earlier. She leaned back against the bed, pushing him back for a moment to get her shirt off, before pulling him back in again.

He let her do this, his eyes roaming her body as she did, then moved close again. His hand ran against her chest and pulled her bra off a bit too expertly.She didn't mind his expertise, just pulled him in closer and kissing him again. His hand slid back up her chest slowly as he pressed close again. "What do you want?" he whispered against her lips.

She groaned slightly. "Don't ask me that now."

His fingers worked against her skin, testing what might please her. "Why not?"

"Because I want to see how perceptive you are," she smirked, tilting her lips to the slide slightly and trailing down his neck.

He let out a shaky sigh, enjoying the feel of her lips on his neck. He was used to taking charge, or being with a woman who took charge and the whole thing just being for the fun of it. He wasn't used to the intimacy, and that was probably turning him on more than anything else at that point. Maggie continued to move lower, her hands moving with him and sliding over his back. He licked his lip slowly and let his hand slide down her side, just taking in the feeling of her touching him.

She started to let her hands slide back up after a moment, her lips moving to his ear. "You're not going to make me do all the work, are you?"

His eyes closed so he wouldn't have to look at her as he spoke. "I...I've never really...I like.." he sighed, unsure how to voice it. "This just...feels really good."

"Then just go with it," she whispered, before pulling him in again. He adjusted himself over her and claimed her mouth softly, waiting for her to let him get as close as he needed to be. She leaned into the kiss, wrapping her arms around him and pushing her body up against his. He moved his body against hers slowly, taking his time to enjoy every sensation and work at making her feel as good as he could for her. She followed his moves, trying to match him as best he could and getting as close as possible.

He held out for her as long as he could, but she was her and that in itself did enough for him. His body soon hitched against hers and he clung onto her gently. Maggie breathed slightly as she leaned back against the bed, closing her eyes as her body relaxed. He relaxed beside her, trying to catch his breath and figure out if he was allowed to hold onto her yet. She wouldn't mind if he did, and she curled up next to him slowly, and starting to drift off to sleep as she did.

He took that as a cue and wrapped her up in his arms tightly, kissing the top of her head. "So.." he started in a soft whisper.

"Mmmmm," she replied, settling in closer.

"Does this...mean you're know...girlfriend?"

"Yes," she said softly. "I think so." He leaned over her again for a moment, not pulling his necklace from brushing her skin, and kissed her long and warm. She kissed him back, sliding his arm over the back of his neck and holding him close.

He sighed as he pulled from the kiss and curled up beside her, holding her close again. "By the way," he murmured, as he started to drift off. "I do like you."

She smirked back at him as she closed her eyes and started to drift off again. "I like you too."


[rp] lovely_msstone, [rp] lil_nellie, [rp] itsa_nickname

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