[RP] Tonight You're Mine, Completely

Feb 15, 2009 22:34

(Set Valentine's night. Co-written with itsa_nickname)

Sunny had nothing to do for Valentine's Day. This was something he was used to. It really didn't bother him...too much...except that this year no one was around to hang out. Everyone was doing their own thing. He probably could have gotten in touch with one of his female acquaintances, but he honestly wasn't in the mood for any expectations that might bring. He wasn't up for hanging out with his party friends either. If he couldn't hang out with his closest friends that night, he was just going to spend some time on his own.

Which is what brought him to one of the preferred bars of his group of friends, drinking a beer and watching sports on the TV. And if he happened to meet a pretty girl to talk the night away with, so be it.

Maggie had promised Miranda she wouldn't buy her own booze and drink alone in her apartment. Miranda wasn't around to make sure she did so, but Miranda also knew that Maggie didn't break a promise if she could help it. Making her way into the bar, she started to scan the room, wanting to make sure there were no familiar faces around. She still wanted to be alone, but Miranda wanted her drinking somewhere where someone would cut her off if he had too much. So she made her way through to the bar and sat down on one of the stools, before looking over at the bartender.

"Tequila shots. And keep 'em coming."

Sunny turned. He knew that voice. He was already a couple beers in, and he grinned. "Well, well. I think I found my Valentine," he teased.

She was far too sober for him to start doing that. She looked over at him and rolled her eyes, before tossing back the first of the shots, closing her eyes as the burn went down. "Leave me alone, Sunny."

"C'mon, Mags, it can't be that bad," he said gently.

She finished two more of the shots before responding. "Look -- today's just not my day, alright? I'd prefer to just forget it even exists."

He nodded. He may not have been the most sensitive man, but he knew when to ease up. "Okay. How about I shut up and drink with you?" He nodded to the bartender for a shot of his own.

"Knock yourself out," she said with a nod, before waiting for the bartender to head over and refill hers.

"You heard what the woman said, keep 'em comin'." He took his shot and knocked it back.

Which he did, and a couple hours later, Maggie was feeling heavy and warm due to the alcohol, and her words were starting to slur. She'd never been a depressed drunk, which is why she tended to drink when she was depressed. It cheered her up a bit, and made her forget about everything else. At this point, she was leaning on Sunny a bit, very carefully -- or as carefully as she could -- making a tall pyramid out of her shot glasses. She pulled her hand away gently, and flashed Sunny a grin. "Ta-da!"

Sunny was pretty clouded himself, but he was trying to keep her propped up. He nodded with a light giggle. "Damn you got talent."

"Toldja so," she said, before leaning in to him in a stage whisper. "Don't knock it over."

He leaned closer, tilting his head to her. "I won't," he stage whispered back. "Promise."

"Good," she said, before reaching for another shot and tossing it back.

His rested his chin on his arm and watched her. "Do I need to cut you off yet?"

"Noooooooope," she said with a nod, before pushing off and turning so that she was facing him, before holding her arms out in a T, then bending her elbows and bringing her pointer finger to her nose with each hand alternately. She then followed that up by reciting the alphabet backwards, then gave him a grin. "See? Not drunk yet."

Sunny grinned. "How do I know you're not just a very well coordinated drunk?"

"That's what the backwards alphamabet was for," she said with a nod, before reaching for the next shot.

"Mmmm." He nodded and took another shot himself. "So...you wanna talk?" He looked over at her.

"Talk about what?" she said, picking up the bottle of tequila and watching the liquid that was left swirl around in front of her.

He rested his hand on the back of her stool, if only to keep himself steady. "About...whatever is on your mind." He watched her closely, chewing his lip.

"'Bout my birthday?" she said, tilting her head slightly in his direction, but not looking at him. True, she had looser lips when she was drunk, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to avoid the question for as long as possible.

He nodded slowly. "Mmmhmm."

She sighed heavily, before paying a bit more attention to the bar. "When on my seventh birthday, my mom got arrested for a bunch of various drug related instances on her third strike, putting her away for life." She paused for a minute, reaching forwards to take another shot, before placing that back, flipping it down onto the bar in front of her. "And on my ninth, I woke up to find the apartment completely empty, and my father no where to be found. I haven't heard from him since."

Sunny sighed, absorbing it. He let his thumb reach out from where his hand sat on the back of her stool, and brushed it to her back lightly. "I'm sorry, Maggie," he said.

She shrugged slightly, before turning to face him again. "Just bad luck. Not much you can do about that."

"Well...doesn't mean all your birthdays have to suck."

"They don't suck," she said with a sigh. "I'm having plenty of fun here. I just don't want to throw the day an extravaganza."

He smirked. "Mags...you're spending your birthday with me. There are plenty other good ways of spending your day that isn't extravagant."

She looked over at him with what could almost be a pout. "We're having fun, aren't we?"

He nodded. "Sure. I'm just saying...you could be having a great night out with the other girls...not being sad and drinking."

"I saw Miranda this morning. I just -- I'm not in a celebratory mood. I'd rather drink."

"Okay, okay," he nodded. He turned and took another shot.

Maggie did the same, before turning and leaning back against the bar, letting it take her weight for a while so that she didn't have to support it.

He set his glass down and pulled out his wallet, throwing down his credit card and standing slowly. "C'mon. Time to get you home." He set a hand to her back to offer help up.

"Awwww, Mom," she pouted, but didn't fight him, letting him get her up, and leaning on him a bit when her legs decided they weren't going to support her right away.

He took his card back and slipped it into his pocket, then moved an arm around her to take her weight fully. "Let's go," he said, starting them out the door.

She followed his lead, leaning into his shoulder more as they went.

When he got her outside, he hailed a cab and eased her into it, before telling the driver her address and relaxing back. He tilted his head back to the seat, his world spinning just a bit.

Maggie just curled up next to him -- apparently she was also a clingy drunk -- sliding her arm around his and resting her head against his shoulder.

He glanced down at her, then moved his arm around her, pulling her close and letting her relax there.

She sighed slightly. "You're a good friend, Sunny."

He shook his head, his fingers stoking her arm slowly. "Nah, I'm just Sunny. Same goofball who annoys you when you're sober."

"Even annoying friends are good friends," she said with a slight nod.

"Mmm, sure." He dropped his head back again.

She was quiet for the rest of the ride back to her apartment, before the cab lurched to a stop, and she started to push at him slightly. "Lemme out."

He nodded and slipped out quickly, concerned and ready to help her out if she needed it.

She ambled her way out, using his shoulders to brace herself as she got slowly on her feet, before pushing away from him, and starting to head towards the door of her building.

He watched her go. "You gonna be okay?"

"Peachy," she said, flashing him a grin over her shoulder.

He blinked and nodded, bringing a hand up in a slight wave. "Night, then."

"Night," she said slowly, fumbling with her keys for a moment when she got to the door, before they slipped out of her fingers and dropped to the ground.

"One minute," he told the cabbie. He went up behind Maggie and got her keys, opening the door for her.

"Thanks," she sighed, turning around to face him, but not pulling away quite yet.

He tilted his head forward slightly, raising his brows. "Sure you're gonna be okay?" He asked softly.

"Mmmmmmm-hm!" she said, before leaning in to give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

He smiled a bit. "Okay then. Night Maggie." He started to turn, but turned back to her and leaned in. "Happy Birthday."

"Thank you," she said with a nod, her hands coming to rest on his shoulders as she swayed against him slightly.

His eyes closed at the feel of her so close and he breathed slowly. "I can...walk you up if you want."

She paused, considering this for a moment, before nodding. "That might be a good idea."

"Stay here a minute," he said. He made sure she was standing still. "Just...hold on." He went back over to the cab and paid the cabbie, figuring he'd catch another in a few minutes. Then he went back over to her and took her arm. "Okay, here we go."

"We're off to see the Wizard," she sighed, starting to sing slightly under her breath. "The wonderful wizard of Oz. We hear he is a whiz of a wiz, if ever a whiz there was -- "

He chuckled as he led her. "Sweetheart, you are drunk."

"Well, that was what the tequila was for," she sighed as she hit the button for the elevator.

He leaned back to the wall of the elevator, still feeling it himself. "Mission accomplished," he nodded.

"Yup," she said with a sigh as she leaned next to him after hitting the number for her floor.

He closed his eyes as the elevator moved, trying to keep from falling over.

They were at her floor in a few minutes, and she too his hand, pulling him away from the wall and towards the door.

He was surprised by that and stumbled into her slightly, catching onto her sides.

She stepped backwards a bit, losing her balance and backing herself into the wall of the hallway, him landing on top of her a bit.

"Whoa." His hand went to the wall over her shoulder. "Sorry..." he breathed out, leaning over her.

"'t's okay," she said softly, looking up at him as she did.

He nodded and took a step closer, not really sure why, but his body moving closer against hers in the process.

She started to straighten slightly against him, pushing her up further against the wall as she did.

His body pressed hers into the wall tighter and his head lowered a bit more towards hers. The drunken cloud was swirling around him and he wanted more than ever to kiss her, but a small piece of his brain was shouting at him not to.

She didn't push him away, half-not realizing what he was doing, half-kinda curious as to what he was. She just looked up at him, trying to figure out what he was getting at. "Sunny -- "

"Sorry," he murmured again, starting to step back from her.

"Why?" she frowned, still not putting two and two together through the haze of alcohol.

"I...don't know," he said slowly. He scratched his head. "But...I think maybe I should...go."

"But I'm not home yet," she said, glancing down at her door which seemed so far down the hallway.

He glanced down the hallway. "No...you're not." He looked back at her and held out his arm to her.

She took it and started to pull herself up off the wall and more towards him.

He took her arm and guided her down to her door, then stopped in front of it. "Welcome home, Maggie Hopwell," he said quietly with a small smirk.

"Why thank you," she said with a slight slur, as she went to reach for her keys again, confused when she couldn't find them.

He held the keys out and unlocked her door, then pushed it open.

She giggled slightly at that, before starting to stumble her way inside.

He sighed and followed, smiling slightly. "Do I need to walk you to bed, too?"

"No," she said, giving him a mockingly shocked look -- well, as mockingly shocked as she could do when she's had too much tequila.

He grinned. "Lemme see you walk straight then."

She sighed, and took a deep breath as she turned around to face him, walking towards him as straight as she could, but she was still doing quite a bit of swaying.

Still smiling, he caught hold of her. "Let's go." He turned her towards her room.

She huffed slightly, but followed his lead. "I'm fiiiiiiiiine."

"Yes, you are. Now go to bed," he walked her towards her bed and stopped them just beside it.

"And what are you gonna do?" she asked, looking up at him and putting her hands on her hips playfully.

He stepped closer to her, looking down. "Let me ask you something."

"What?" she said, raising an eyebrow at him.

His hand moved around to the small of her back as he got even closer. "How long has it been since you've had really great sex?"

She made a rather exaggerated face at that, her head tilting to the side slightly. "Why?"

His fingers slid under her shirt to brush her bare back. He gave a smirk as he leaned in closer. "Ok...how long has it been since you've had any sex?"

Her breath caught in her throat slightly when she felt his hand on her back, closing her eyes for a moment, before looking back up at him. "A while. Why?"

"Just...curious," he whispered against her neck, staying close for a moment before taking his hand back and stepping away.

Her eyes closed again, and she just continued to stand there, before looking up at him. "What did you do that for?"

"What're you going to do about it?" He challenged softly, staring straight at her.

"You were -- you were -- " Her mouth worked slightly, before looking back at him, almost hurt. "You were teasing me."

He shrugged. "Maybe. Maybe not." He kept his eyes on her, his smile coming back slowly. "Do you want me to leave?"

She frowned again, still confused. "I -- I don't know."

He nodded and stepped back over to her slowly. He was drunk, yes. Maybe not as much as her, but he was. And even though a piece of his brain was trying to remind him that this was his friend, he really wasn't hearing it anymore. He stood close once again and moved his hands to her hips, slowly moving to pull at her sweater.

She looked up at him uncertainly, trying to figure out what he was getting at, but she didn't fight him. She trusted Sunny. Sunny wouldn't hurt her.

He kept close, keeping his eyes locked on hers as he pulled her top up over her head. His pulse was already starting to race.

Her eyes only left his as the shirt went over her head, and they were still there as she let the clothing drop to the floor. "What are you doing?" she asked innocently, nothing really clicking yet.

His head dipped down to brush kisses against her chest. "I was thinking I'd make love to you," he murmured. Not words he'd be caught dead saying sober, but...well, he wasn't.

Her eyes closed slightly as she arched against him, placing her hands on his shoulders as she did.

His fingers moved to the clasp on her bra. "Is that okay?"

Her breathing was starting to pick up, and she wasn't sure what to say. But it -- it felt nice, so far. She could do with something that felt nice, at least for a little while. "Okay."

He let her bra fall to the floor, his lips roaming more and his arm hooking around her waist. He carefully lowered her back onto the bed.

She followed his lead, wrapping her arms around his shoulders as she leaned in to him.

He pushed against her, his hand moving down her side as he pulled up. Eyes closed he waited a beat, before slipping his mouth to hers. He wouldn't admit it, of course, but he'd been wanting to kiss her from the second he met her.

She moaned slightly into the kiss, pulling him in closer and letting her leg start to slide up against his.

He groaned, kissing her deeper and sliding a hand between them to get her jeans undone.

She lifted her hips to help him get them off, her hands gripping his shirt tightly as she pulled him closer.

He couldn't stop his hands from exploring every inch of her skin as he pulled from her lips. He brushed his mouth to her ear and started whispering the things he wanted to do for her for her birthday.

She moaned slightly as she listened, her body arching against him.

Without breaking concentration on her, and while nibbling at her ear, he undid his own pants and kicked out of them.

She slid her hands under his t-shirt, starting to push it up, while letting her hands run over his back.

He leaned up to let her pull it off, smirking as he flexed his muscles under her touch.

"Show-off," she murmured, digging her nails into his back as she pulled him in to a kiss again.

He growled softly and kissed her back hard. "You like it," he managed to reply.

She didn't say anything, just leaned into the kiss pulled him in closer.

He shifted her under him to where he wanted her and dropped in closer, a hand moving up to cup her face.

She sighed softly at the touch, pushing her body up against him as he got closer.

When his body finally hitched against hers, he fell to her side, his breath heavy as he stayed close.

Maggie sighed softly, as her eyes started to close, curling up as her body relaxed and started to drift off to sleep.

"Happy Birthday, Mags," he murmured, wrapping her up in his arms. He pulled the blankets up over them and leaned close.


Maggie's head was throbbing when she woke up the next morning, the light coming in from her bedroom window way brighter than it should have been. She groaned loudly, her hand coming up over her eyes, and she started to roll away from the source, towards the other end of the bed, but she froze when her body came into contact with a warm body next to her. She paused for a minute, letting her hand move across the chest and up towards the face without really looking, more feeling without even thinking about it.

"Mmmm," Sunny murmured. He wasn't aware of his surroundings yet and just turned into the touch, moving his hand over hers.

Her head tilted to the side slightly. She knew that voice. But what the hell was he doing in her bed? "Sunny?"

It was too early and he was too hungover. His hand came up to rub his forehead. "What?" He couldn't open his eyes. It hurt too much to try.

"What are you doing in my bed?" Maggie frowned finally opening her eyes and looking down. "And oh my God, why are we naked?"

"Why are you screeching?" He groaned and rolled away from her, the scene not quite setting in for him yet.

"SUNNY, WAKE UP!" she shrieked, yanking the covers off him as she climbed out of bed before wrapping them around herself, and then looking back at him. Upon realizing he was now naked, she placed her free hand over her eyes, before continuing. "And put some pants on."

He opened his eyes and looked down, then jumped up and grabbed his pants to put them on. "Stop screaming."

"Tell me that what I think happen didn't happen and maybe I'll stop screaming," she said, burying her face in her hand as she sunk down against the wall.

He sat down to pull his shirt on. His head hurt and he really couldn't remember everything about the night before, except lots of skin. "Judging by the glow in your cheeks, I'd say...yes, you took advantage of me."

"I took advantage of -- " she looked up to glare at him, before reaching for something near her and chucking it at his head. "I did not take advantage of you."

He saw it coming but couldn't react in time and got hit. He rubbed his head with a grimace. "I was drunk. I didn’t know what I was doing."

"I was drunk too, dumbass!"

"Well...obviously then, the only solution is to try it again and see what we missed." He grinned.

She glared over at him. "Don't make me throw something at you again."

He leaned over and grabbed his shoes. "God, Maggie. Screwing me really isn't the end of the world. Relax."

"Oh, I'm sorry if I prefer to actually remember things that could have possibly life-altering consequences!" she glared. "I mean -- I don't remember what happened, Sunny. Doesn't that fucking scare you?"

He stared at her for several beats, then stood up shaking his head. "No. It doesn't, really. Because I know you...or...thought I did." He started for the bedroom door and glanced over at her. "But really, thanks for the damn faith in me."

"You're my friend, Sunny. Friends aren't supposed to have out of control drunk sex. Friends deserve a little better than that."

"Key word there. Drunk. It's not like I purposely got you drunk so I could fuck you."

"I never said you did!"

"Then what the hell are you saying?" He shouted. "If I were some random guy you didn't know? Then yea, freak the hell out about it. But I'm not, so why make a big fucking deal about it?"

"If it was some random guy, I'd chalk it up to another screw up, but you're my friend, Sunny. We crossed a fucking line! Don't you get that. We crossed a line, I can't remember any of it, and generally when you cross this kind of line with a friend it's supposed to mean something."

He shook his head again. "Maybe you should learn your logic better when you're drunk," he suggested. "Because judging by the way you're acting, the only thing this means is that you're disgusted or something. So sorry." He turned and headed down the hall towards the front door.

"I'm not -- that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that I'm freaking out because maybe I'd like to actually remember it. And if I'm disgusted with anyone in this scenario -- it's me. Not you."

He spun around. "Right. Remember it? The majority of the time you seem to not be able to even stand me. Why would you want to remember that? And like I said...we were drunk. It's not like you would have ever done that if you were sober."

Maggie didn't have anything to say to that. She just pulled her legs in to her chest, shrinking further into the wall and curling up more on herself. Of all the things that she could have done last night, she had to have done this.

He nodded when she didn't reply. "Well. I'm sorry to have ruined another birthday for you." Then he turned and walked away this time, heading out the front door.

She buried her face in her knees at this point, trying to keep her breathing under control. She wasn't going to cry. She wasn't going to cry. Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid!

[rp] itsa_nickname

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