Vroom Vroom....*sigh* Vroom...

Sep 29, 2010 09:55

 So in the last week I vowed to get a car. Me being me, I started holding that car idea up to unreasonable expectation. I thought that once I got a car, everything would be easier. I could get to college in 40 minutes, come home at a reasonable time, I wouldn't be so tired so I could do a little work in the evenings, I'd have less stress in my life etc etc yadda yadda.

Obviously, cars just don't come into your possession overnight. There's all sorts of formalities that perhaps I, in my eagerness to get my hands on an automobile, forgot...a little bit...

Another problem is my parents have just returned from holiday AND are moving to a new house today. I now see where I get my glutton for punishment from. What that means for me is that my accountant mother and former mechanic father are essentially 'unavailable' for a few weeks. I want them to come car shopping with me as having never bought a car before in my life, I need a bit of assistance.

My mother, being a woman who knows figures and what little bastards they can be to a bank account, tried to gently dissuade me from getting a car on the basis that the insurance would be, and I quote "at least £2,500...". I dismissed that figure as being completely insane but after doing a few insurance quote searches, I feared my mother may not have been entirely wrong.

I've been driving for over 3 years now, so that's 3 years no claims straight off. Whilst being under 26 which is like a massive klaxon going off for most insurers, I am a woman driver - ego statistically less likely to be involved in a serious car accident. I was also trying to insure a Vauxhaull Corsa. Not a very powerful car by anyones reckoning. Bearing all this in mind, I was getting quotes for just over 2 grand to insure my car for a year, third party only. I would wager that it's partly down to me being a student and living in a high crime area.

So, rather than giving up, I tried some more makes of cars, like the Ford KA and a Nissan Micra to see if I could shave a few hundred pounds off that absurd insurance figure I mentioned.

The lowest quote I have got is £677.74, for 12 months fully comp insurance with £500 voluntary excess. It's  not brilliant, but it's not £2,000!

I'm now at a loss for what to do. I've proven to my mother that I can get insurance for lower than £2000....so now what? Technically, I should go and do some work, but I don't want to. I'm too tired again. Part of me is tempted to give most of today over to getting my life in order. The flat is a mess, I've lost half of my wardrobe somewhere and I need to organise my College work into different folders.

:S Hmmm....


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