
May 29, 2010 12:12

 Life aint so bad today.

I'm feeling good about the upcoming exams. I've got the Police Powers one on Tuesday, and I've got a good feeling about that one, despite some initial troubles regarding a lack of...well, tuition.

After that it'll just be the Medical Law and Ethics exam that stands between me and THE END OF MY DEGREE!

It feels weird. For three, solid, tear-inducing years of my life this damned Law degree has squatted at the edge of my peripheral vision, squawking for attention and absorbing a worrying about my time, energy and soul into its vast, gelatinous entity. Yet, it's nearing an end and that feels odd. I want closure. I want a degree certificate in one hand and a bloody well-earned glass of wine in the other. I want to make my parents proud as I stand in my cap and gown...and then make them wonder why they had me in the first place as I pull stupid faces in said cap and gown.

Most importantly, I want to feel healthy again. God knows how much I've cost the NHS this year, what with two emergency room visits, several blood tests, repeated prescriptions of medication and countless doctors visits. Despite all that, no doctor seems able to say "Ah, I see you have X wrong with you. Y will sort that out." By default, the diagnosis is always stress and the cure is always to de-stress. If I am suffering from stress ( Preposterous!), then I am suffering from one mean mo-fo of Stress. Stress for bad, it must be written thus: STRESS.  I'm not sleeping well, I'm not eating properly, I can't make sentences goodly yes. I'm actually convinced by body has gone picketing. It's had enough. I've had enough.

As said though, the end is in sight. By 5 o' clock on June the 4th, it will be over, for good or for bad. It's over.

My summer consists of Sardinia with Ben, Slash-Con with the Slash-gals, work with ERM and WEEKENDS!

Boo-fecking-yah, baby!


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