
Dec 11, 2009 14:35

Ten years ago I...(1999).
1. Was 11 years old (Jesus...I feel old).
2. Was a massive Harry Potter nerd.
3. Had long hair.
4. Was considering being a Vet...until I saw where the thermometer went...
5. Had 1 CD - Avril Lavigne ‘Let Go’.

Seven years ago I: (2002)
1. Decided I wanted to be a Lawyer, but actually never very little about it.
2. Got bullied a lot for being...well, the tall, skinny, smart, ginger girl.
3. Was really, really into Drama.
4. Tried every method imaginable to get my hair straight.
5. Hung on some people’s every word when I really shouldn’t have.

Five years ago I: (2004)
1. Was quite poorly with panic attacks and bad health.
2. Got into Red Dwarf in a big way.
3. Started writing for fun.
4. Was worried I would never pass my exams and leave High School
5. Got my hair cut short.

Three years ago I: (2006)
1. Went to Dimension Jump and it blew my mind
2. Finally started being myself rather than going along with the flow
3. Bought my first pair of proper grown-up heels.
4. Got a job at Sainsburys
5. Met some online friends in the flesh.

Two years ago I: (2007)
1. Passed my driving test second time around!
2. Passed with A-levels with 3 As and a B (managed to get full marks in two exams).
3. Came to Liverpool to study Law.
4. Met some of the oddest but most amazing people at RPG/CTV/Anime.
5. Read 14 books in two weeks whilst on holiday,

One year ago I: (2008)
1. Fell for ouroboros13 ’s Austin Powers chat up line.
2. Kicked ass at paintballing.
3. Cried more than I thought I ever would.
4. Impressed the Boss at Royal Mail with my awesome powers of temping.
5. Got involved in Childline.

Yesterday, I:
1. Had a nauseatingly terrible day at work.
2. Watched the whole first series of ‘Look Around You’.
3. Pondered about turning 21.
4. Couldn’t find any new shoes for the Works do tonight
5. Felt exhausted

Today, I:
1. Went to my Law and the Sexes lecture on rape - not a pleasant experience first thing in the morning...
2. Viewed a rather crummy house and got lost along the way
3. Watched ‘No Heroics’ and fell in love with it
4. Will write something nice for smaych
5. Get ready for my first ever work’s Christmas party!

Tomorrow, I:
1. Want a lie-in
2. Will need to work
3. Would love to be in captainlora RPG game.
4. Will cook paella.
5. Wrap presents.


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