Happy New Year 2012

Jan 01, 2012 09:13

Where has the time gone? Who really knows. But here we are, January 1st of 2012; supposedly the last year on Earth according to the people who believe the Maya Prophecy. As for me? Nope. I don't believe it. And even if it were true, spending a whole year worrying about it won't do any good, right? Can't change it. Just live for the moment, have faith, trust in God and let everything come as it may.

I'm in my sophomore year of college now. This coming semester will be a busy one. I'm finished with all my "necessary freshmen" courses so this semester I'm taking Geology, Intro to Ethics, Philosophy of World Religion, Introduction to Speech and Physical Conditioning. This coming May I was planning to take a study-abroad architecture course in Italy but at almost $5000, it just isn't going to happen this year. Maybe next year. I still have time.

My health has been better these past few months. No really bad migraines since last May. Only been in the hospital once since May and that was for a ruptured ovarian cyst.  Other than that, I'm doing okay. I'm off all of my depression meds and I'm doing just fine. Keeping busy with school, kids and volunteering has gone a long way into helping me be all right. Good friends who listen and kick me in the butt once in awhile when I need it are also good to have. The drama this past year was low (thank you God) both in real life and on-line. I've gotten more involved at church and have really been enjoying it as well. Thanks to my grades at college, I'm in Phi Theta Kappa which is an academic sorority. At church, I am in choir and it looks like I might be on the vestry later this year when elections take place.

I hope and pray everyone here has a wonderful 2012. May it bring you all the peace and happiness the previous year did not give you. As the Irish prayer goes: May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we met again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

new year 2012

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