Really, Michael Bay?? Really??

Apr 08, 2011 21:42

So the red Ferrari is Mirage and the "Einstein" character is probably Wheeljack.

And Leonard Nimoy is the voice of Sentinel Prime.

I can handle Nimoy being Sentinel. Kinda makes sense. Works for me.

But the Ferrari being Mirage? Mirage was never red. He was blue and white. That kinda sucks. Not that I don't like Mirage. I do. I was just hoping for Sunstreaker or even Prowl at this point.

As for Wheeljack being the possible other character? Why? Why do we need Wheeljack? All he does is blow himself up! I thought we weren't going the comedic route again, Bay.


I don't know. I just don't know.

UPDATE: I forgot to add the link last night to where I found out all this lovely information:

spoilers, tf3

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