(no subject)

Nov 03, 2005 17:32

Should be doing my homework....
Repost this but tell the truth.
What have you done... BE TRUTHFUL!

1. smoked a cigarette -yes
2. smoked a cigar -yes
3. crashed a friend's car - crashed the Tracker into our house...just thought I would share that one
4. stolen a car - no
5. been in love - yes
6. been dumped - no
7. done a shot - yes..all the time...I prefer not to do ones that taste like feet of old man's coats however
8. been fired - no
9. been in a fist fight - no
11. had feelings for someone who didnt have them back - yes, what person hasn't...i'll stick with Annie's answer on that one
12. been arrested - no
13. made out with a stranger - no
14. gone on a blind date - kind of I guess...the first date I went on with Troy was before we actually hung out even though I guess we knew who each other where so never mind.
15. lied to a friend - Yes
16. had a crush on a teacher- yes...Karrie and Sara got to live through that one.
17. skipped school - never in highschool...in college I skipped/skip class all the time.
18. seen someone die - Thank god no...I have never seen someone die
19. been on a plane - yes...i still get nervous on them however.
20. thrown up in a bar - Yes on my birthday...I made friends with someone in the bathroom too who I remember to have really weird eyes.
21. done hard drugs- no
22. miss someone right now -yes...I am excited though because two of the people that I miss are coming to see me next weekend...Jeni and Molly we are gonna have a BLAST!!!
23. laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by- yeah...let me just say there are some strange looking clouds.
24. made a snow angel - yeah...I love to do that!
25. played dress up - Of course...what little girl didn't...Jeni and I even played it last winter...she dressed up as a graduate...if you want to see it look at my photos on yahoo :)
26. cheated while playing a game - yes...sometimes you just really want to win. My two worst habits are cheating during Mario Party (my brother taught me how to make the computer say no to the star) and cheating during Mario Bros 1 on old school nintendo (by pausing my oponent over the holes while they are trying to jump) wahahah...I am so evil! No wonder no one will ever play old school nintendo with me
27. been lonely - yes...who hasen't
28. fallen asleep at work/school - school...once in high school while watching a movie in American Law class...Jakey was kind enough to wake me up before Mrs. Thaldorf caught me!
29. used a fake id - no...don't need one anymore either.
30. felt an earthquake - no...thank goodness
31. touched a snake - yes...I have even though I am afraid of them...I touched Mavric...thats Sara's snake
32. ran a red light - no...but since I was in the car I would like to talk about the time that Molly ran not one but two red lights on really busy streets in Milwaukee during a snow storm!
33. had detention - yeah once I had a lunch hour detention because I failed to cover a school book in 5th grade...I never told my mom though...I was too ashamed LOL!
34. been in a car accident - yeah...too many
35. hated the way you cook - yeah...just last week I tried to add some baby carrots to a can of chicken noodle soup...let me just say...i was expecting the carrots not to be so hard to chew
36. witnessed a crime - yeah...one time I saw a bike accident...and they called it an accident but I have a sneaking suspision that it was ON PURPOSE!!!
37. been lost - yeah when I was little I got lost in the woods once...it was scary. And for about a year my mom would never take me or my brother to Shopko because we always got lost and then called her to the front desk...needless to say she was pretty pissed off!
38. been to the opposite side of the country - Florida a few times, Idaho once
39. felt like dying - nope
40. cried yourself to sleep - yes...i don't know one girl who hasn't
41. played cops and robbers - Of course...I was a cops and robbers master...we are talking many years of playing the game...and many years of owning the game :)
42. karaoke - yeah once freshman year at Legends...and stupid Alton Olsen stole one of our songs and then again during grad bash!
43. done something you told yourself you wouldn't: Yeah...and I don't even think that I can say I learned from it.
44. laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose - Yeah...once...and it hurt really bad...Thanks a lot Jeni for telling me such a funny story!
45. caught a snowflake on your tongue - Yes...did you know that you could never catch two of the same snowflakes on your tounge because no two snowflakes are the same!!
46. kissed in the rain - no...but that would be fun!
47. sang in the shower - yeah...loud...and let me say I think that I deserve the grammy for best new artist
48. made love in a park - no
49. had a dream that you married someone - yes...someone whom I would NEVER marry...EVER!
50. glued your hand to something - no...but freshman year sara and I used to rubber cement our hands together...so I guess that could count...is rubber cement a form of glue?
51. got your tongue stuck to a flag pole - no...but once when I was little I did to the big swing sets Dickenson used to have...that may be the reason that they got rid of them.
52. worn the opposite sex's clothes - yes...they are so nice and warm...just like boys!
53. been a cheerleader - yes
54. sat on a roof top- yes
55. talked on the phone all night - yes...got in trouble for it too
56. ever too scared to watch scary movies alone - Are you kidding you pretty much have to force me to watch scary movies...why would I ever watch them alone...
57. played chicken fight - yes...I always win too...I am viscious
58. been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on - yes
59. been told you're hot by a complete stranger - yeah...just go to the bars down on water street and it can happen to you too
60. broken a bone - yes...my wrist
61. had a 3-some? - is that how it is actually spelled?
62. laugh so hard you cry - yeah...i love to do that
63. mooned/flashed someone - yeah...at parties at Erin's we used to walk down the road and moon passing cards...and one time we mooned Allegra and Aric from Kari's room into the channel
64. cheated on a test - yes...I cheat every week on quizes because I don't close my notebook and he doesn't even care.
65. forgotten someone's name - yeah...the night that I met Scott we introduced ourselvs to each other and by the time he asked me for my phone number I had already forgot his name...LOL
67. blacked out from drinking - yes
68. played a prank on someone - yes...my favorite time was the time we called Karrie using IP Relay and pretended to be our deaf teacher asking her why she dropped out of the sign language program...
69. played in public with your significant other- what do you consider playing??? I am so confussed.

Well that took up about one hour of work because I had to keep coming back to it...if only work would go this fast every night! Well I don't really know a whole lot that is new. School is going ok...I certainly lack the zest for doing homework that I once had...oh wait I don't think that I ever had it. Well I should prolly go and get some more work done...can't get donations if I don't call and ask for them. What would the College of Health Sciences do without me? I earned them $50.00 tonight!

Well i'll try to write in here soon
Love Jen
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