JIB Con 6 Friday + Saturday

May 23, 2015 00:05

Still overwhelmed and feeling the Conblues after JIB 6 is over I thought writing a con report will maybe help me feel a little bit better.
Our little group of 4 people started on Thursday via Rome because last year we only did Friday to Sunday and it was really stressful. So we decided to go more relaxed this time by adding the Thursday and the Monday. It really helped us on Sunday because things were running really late. But luckily the didn´t canceled a panel or anything.
On Friday things started for me with the Misha panel which was amusing and fun as always. Misha was so wonderful when the poor fangirl fainted on the microphone. You could tell how worried Misha was and how genuine his reactions were. After that the bad news crashed on us like a wall of bricks. All 4 of us big Jared fangirls heard for the first time that he couldn´t be with us. We were so sad and so disappointed. And really worried what happened. Jensen told us that Jared has really exhausted himself and had to leave. I am sure everyone at this point has read Jareds tweets and have seen Videos of Jensen talking about Jared. So I will say no more about it. I am still a bit worried but hope that Jensen´s “ he is feeling better already” is true. All the other guests put so much extra effort in every single thing they did to make up for the loss of Jared.
Later this day was my Richard Meet & Greet which my lovely friends had bought for me as a gift. It was so much fun even after the sad news of Jared. I love Richard he is next to the big 3 (J2 +Misha) my favorite. And the time flew by. Everyone had to say their names, where their came from, since when they started with Spn and how many times their been to Jib con. When it was my turn, Richard remembered me (even as I had cut my hair really short after the last jibcon), he said you were here before and I said yes that is right. My name is Marion and I come from Germany this is my third time on Jib and my first episode was Tall tales with you in it.
Richard: Aw that makes me think I had a part in it.
Me: Yes you did. I don´t like scary stuff usually.
Richard: There is a lot of scary stuff in Supernatural.
Me: I know but this episode was so funny I thought that I could watch it and I fell in love with it.
Richard: Did you do other cons.
Me: Yeah I did 8 photos with you already. (I don´t like this part when I think about it, I am embarrassed that I said that it sounds a little bit arrogant. But I was nervous and then I start to babble without thinking it threw.)
Richard: Yeah but I can´t not remember where they were taken)
Me: I did Asylum in Germany and one in Paris.
Richard: Why Jibcon?
Me: Because things happen here for the first time which on other cons don´t.
Richard: For example?
Me: Jensen singing for the first time.
And that was my turn. I am really proud of myself I got so many sentences out talking with Richard. I am usually totally shy but I don´t know Richard is my safe place at these conventions. I never took a bad picture with him and I can talk to him without getting red like a tomato.

After my friends and I had eaten the most disgusting baguette ever we went to the cocktail party for the first time. I was so looking forward to it, since we got our Angel Passes. And it didn´t disappointed me in any way. It was such an amazing time. I couldn´t sit with my friends because my pass number was the first for the next table. But even if I would have loved to experience it with my friends I loved our table and didn´t want to switch tables. Somebody on our table brought domino stones with them and we put them in a circle and the fun began. Every one of the stars had fun with it. Osric and Felicia got big eyes and were so happy. Mark had a pleasure to destroy our rebuilding work. So many beautiful little moments with it. Maybe the person who brought them read this. Thank you so much - it was such a pleasure watching the stars playing with them.

The Saturday began with the Jensen photo. He was really in a good mood and I tried to be brave and ask Jensen for a pretend to kiss photo and I did it - again without getting red like a tomato. And I am so happy with this photo. I stand on my tiptoes have my hand under his chin and pretend to kiss him on his cheek. Jensen looks so cute and I am okay with me, too. But he is soooo tall I had to use every cm of my body to reach his cheek. If I ever get the nerves to ask Jared the same he has to kneel down a little bit.
After that came my Osric photo which I had switched because of my Jared photo ops. He is such a sweetheart!!! The girl before me had to take the photo 3 times (lucky girl) before it was ok and he put her in position every time with a passion of a saint. He wore an roman outfit and I decided to take a fight photo with him. So I asked him to do karate and he said sure and switched places with me because it would look better. He really tried to get the best pic with every single fan. After we took it I looked him in the eye and opened my arms asking for a hug and without hesitation he gave it to me. I liked him as Kevin but after this small encounter I fall in love with him.
Then it was time for my Tahmoh photo which I don´t like at all. He looks good and is smiling but me - I look confused. My friend Grit went before me and took the photo. Tahmoh put his arms around me and I am ready for the picture. But then my friend was told to come back because the photo was not okay. So Tahmoh let go of his arms and asked what we are doing. Then they said it was my turn and Grit is after me. So he puts again his arms around me. But I look to my friend and I am not ready to take the picture. But to late the photographer already had taken it. But I don´t mind to much I got an extra hug out of Tahmoh.
In the afternoon was my Richard and Rob photo which I also got because of switching my Jared photo ops. So I didn´t have much time to think about it. 2 years before I was in the same situation and I had a flash of a thought. Rob and I were fighting over toilet paper and Richard stand beside us with a wtf face. I love it with all my heart. But this time I only got the idea of them fighting over me. But both of them look like they have so much fun with this position/idea that I think it is one of my favorites.
Last but not least I got my Misha photo. This time I asked Misha to pretend to kiss me and I put my hand over my mouth and go like OHHHH! He is so close and put his arms around me and I love him and I love me in this photo. Thank you Misha for being such a good sports about it.
That was the last photo op of the day. They all were so sweet and generous and were so easy to talk to and so willing to make your dream photo come true. And if you didn´t have a plan because you had this photo only because of Jared missing, they were so helpful with great ideas for the photos.

In between I had my autographs with Tahmoh, Mark, Osric and Felicia.
Tahmoh was nice but nothing like Hello, thank you for coming, happened.

Mark somehow remembered me and said hey again with that look on his face which says I know you.
Me: yes hello again, always a pleasure.
Mark: aww thank you that is nice (or something like that).

My autograph with Osric was after the photo with him. And I told my friends that he is so cute that I like to put him in a baggage and carry him with me. Unfortunately I was still on such a high that I told Osric exactly the same. “Thank you for being so cute the whole time. (embarrassing but still okay)
Osric: aww thank you and smiling a big smile.
Me: I like to put you in a baggage and carry you with me (totally embarrassing and I thought to myself - what are you talking - stop it now.)
Osric totally cool: Maybe I will fit in someday.
I could have hugged him again because he made this awkward moment so much fun again by being so cool with it. Let´s be honest which man would like such an compliment. But he was so cool with it and I am so grateful for that.
You can buy a poster where all guests are on it and can sign their picture. I bought one because I like them more than the single ones. Felicia had a picture with her shortcut hairstyle on it which I seriously love. So I told her that I really like her hairstyle like that and she said the like it, too. She asked me if I got my shortcut just now and I said yes and that I am working on getting it like hers. She said I have to wear it longer in the front and that she would love to still have it but in the industry it is better for a woman to have longer hair. I told her that I like her hairstyle like this, too. She thank me and it was over. I still can´t believe it that I talk with Felicia Day over hairstyles just like to normal women. She is such a sweetheart!
To finish this day I went to the Jason Manns concert. It is such a relaxed and wonderful atmosphere during it, that I had to go even if my friends didn´t want to. And he has a beautiful voice. So I met up with my other friend Anja and her friends. After that we talked for about almost an hour and it was so lovely. Thank you for being so welcoming and open.

#jib6, #jibcon

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