Jan 19, 2014 09:20
Really love this episode.
I have just watched it and I am still a bit overwhelmed like some of you were, too.
I am so glad that Sam is Sam again and that we don´t have to see Gadreel in him again. Of course Jared played it so perfectly but I love Sam and I am glad that we finally see "just" Sam again. And I am even more glad that we got the talk again.
And I am so happy that Sam is pissed at Dean I was so worried that they rush this under the carpet again. I know lots of fans are over the angst and over the fight but I feel it is more realistic for Sam to be pissed at Dean for what he did. That after their talk in the chapter at the end of Season 8 Dean lied again and betrayed his trust it is only normal behaviour that Sam would be dissappointed and pissed.
And I know that Dean leaves because he wants to protect his love ones and because he can not handle the situation but for me it is Dean doing the same mistake again which lead him into this mess. Not respecting Sams thoughts and feelings. No he just decide that it is best when he leaves and goes after Gadreel alone. Not hearing what Sam has to say about this situation.
I know Sam says go but when Dean is gone and he is just standing there you see how heartbroken he is and that he would rather have Dean with him and deal with this situation right now. It would take some time for him to heal and trust Dean again but Dean leaving means he again has no influence of how to deal with these new informations and the situation. No Dean had it all worked out for him again. And he knows that he can not hold him back so he doesn´t put up a fight.
Can I tell you how much I love Crowley and Mark Sheppard in this episode. This is Crowley at his best. Not that brutal guy from Season 8. No! A smartass, clever and slimy and so threatening without any physical harm. Love it!!!
Metratron is getting on my nerves and I would love for Gadreel to use his brain some more. Because if he would do that he would see what a manipulating bastard Metratron is and that killing your best friend can´t be the right thing to do.
I know I was pretty harsh on Dean in the beginning but of course I felt for him during this episode. How could you not? With all this selfblaming and selfhating. Beautiful portrayed from Jensen. And maybe for him to leave would be the best thing for him right now. To get his head cleared and coming to terms with his mistakes. Him watching Sam get tortured broke my heart for him and I wanted to hug him. And I seriously looooove Castiel in this episode. He was such a great friend to Dean and was there for him and supported him and tried to comfort him. Just what Dean needed even if he wasn´t successful on all fronts.
spn review