who knows???

Aug 17, 2005 21:25

So... i am just sitting at home being bored just kinda in a blah mood....not mad, sad, depressed, or all that happy...just kinda there?...kinda in one of those thoughtful moods....but just not sure where my thoughts are going...

Josh is supposed to be stayin the night with me..wheather or no that happens i guess only time will tell... we have been doing great the last two days! thank god! he came over monday night and we talked and everything felt like it was in its place again!....tuesday was one of the best days i have had with him for awhile...you always need one of them days once in awhile .....

Well i guess my random thoughts are just kinda scattered....some are about why ppl have to be the way they are... some are about life... some are just out there...and some are privite...who knows n e more with me...

but the thought on ppl i dont understand why ppl have to be so judgemental and up tight about things why cant u just be care free and let things go...not everything has to be so full of "drama" in life...just enjoy it instead of always finding reasons to tear other ppl down or make them feel like they have reason to doubt themselves...and where in the hell in history did ppl decide they were gonna become so dishonest and cruel... i just dont get it...but i guess its one of those things in life we arent supposed to get???

Well i didnt go to school today so my day kinda seemed longer than others but o well i am not lookin forward to all the work tomorrow but oh well will do!..

I also wanted to say Thank you to Sunni for being there for me a lot lately...it has ment a lot for u to just be there and listen ... its great to know there is someone that knows how u feel on so many different levels..if u need n e thing i am here for you.. that always goes for all the ppl that have been here for me lately :D....

Well i guess i am gonna cut this one off b.c i have to go finish my bio homework that should have been done yesturday... leave some comments plz .....

Love always Sunny
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