Picspam: The Poison Sky Part 1

Aug 22, 2011 16:50

170 episode caps

Loads of pics, shippy comments, silly storylines, random remarks, serious thoughts, pretty people,
hairporn, neckporn and phonesex.

Want some icons? Sure! Just tell me which cap you like and whether one of my silly captions should
be included, or some of your own ideas, go ahead! You know I'm going to upload a whole bunch of
shiny new icons from this episode anyway!

NO hotlinking. If you like a cap, go ahead, save it to your own computer and upload it to your own server.
Please credit me if you use the cap though.

*harrumphs* Totally capped this because it's so interesting to see how he's working with his sonic...

Glasses porn!

Donna is shocked when her mother attacks the car with an axe. (thank god she didn't attack the Doctor with it!) 
"I can't believe you've got an axe! "   "Burglars! "

Trying to save Wilf from the smoke (d'aw one big family, grandfather, mother-in-law, husband and wife...)

Pretty cap.  "Get inside the house. Just try and close off the doors and windows. "

Ross, the epic lover returns!

Lover and wife waiting for him, which one will he choose? xD

"Donna, you coming?" Of course she has to come with him. (threesome? xD)

He's calling.

The door's open but will she come?

Sylvia is begging her to stay but the smile tells you everything you need to know. Of course she's coming.

And he's glad she does.

Arriving at the ATMOS factory (hair porn)

"The air is disgusting!" And your hair's greaaaat.

"It's not so bad for me, go on, get inside the TARDIS."

Hair porn as she's about to leave.

"Oh, never given you a key!"

Her smile's so lovely there. A key to the TARDIS their home.

"Keep that! Go on, that's yours! Quite a big moment  really! " And he's so happy.

"Yeah, maybe we can get sentimental after the world's finished choking to death! "
I remember everyone saying how typical Donna this moment really is. I mean when they talked about
this moment in the Confidential episode. Instead of going squeee omg that is so special Donna stays
focused and shows him once more that he's lucky to have her not the other way round.

"Good idea." Looking a bit disappointed, aren't we?

Going their seperate ways.

Coat porn

Hair porn. This should be an ad for hair shampoo :D

Entering the TARDIS.

I just love seing the TARDIS from this angle. Shows you how big and high it really is ( and I was in there *_*)


Almost choking and still looking pretty.

My wife is gone so I'm all bitchy again, meaning I'm going to blame you for everything, Mace!

"Whatever you do, Colonel Mace, do not engage the Sontarans in battle, there is nothing they like
better than a war. Just leave this to me. " Or: Let's do a staring contest!

And fuckyeahshipper!Martha is stalking the Doctor and wonders where Donna is.

Are you stalking me Martha? Have you seen mah Donna?

Pretty TARDIS and smoke.

Donna's just wandering about in the TARDIS.

It moves! Oh and blimey that neckline!

It stopped

Gotta see what's going on.

Surrounded by Sonteruns!

Coat porn part 2

"Taste that, in the air. Yecch. That sort of metal tang. Teleport exchange."

"It’s the Sontarans, they’ve taken it. I’m stuck, on Earth like... like an ordinary  person."

"Like a human! How rubbish is that! Sorry, no offence, but come on! " His reaction is priceless here.
He really can't stand domesticity, can he? :D

"So what do we do?" I must say this Martha Clone can act.

And it dawns on him. Clever man that is. "I mean it's shielded, they could never detect it."

"What about Donna, I mean where's she?" Ignoring that she's a clone working undercover, this is the
fuckyeahshipper!Martha moment. Where's your wife? Aren't you gonna kiss soon? Haven't you
talked about phonesex? Isn't that a great time to have phonesex?

"Oh she's gone home, She's not like you, she's not a soldier."

Clearly this isn't the answer fuckyeahshipper!Martha wanted to hear.

Striptease! And judging by the shirt that's not properly sorted we've got evidence for a quickie! :D
Didn't have enough time to get dressed properly? :D

"I’m not fighting, I’m not-fighting, as in not hyphen fighting, got it?"
What he's really saying here: I'm going to phone mah wife in a minute and then we're gonna have phonesex!

Trouble is, he hasn't got a clue where his wife is.

"Don't salute." ew, don't salute!

Pretty boy working.

L'Oreal, cos Donna's worth it.

"Calling the Sontaran Command Ship under Jurisdiction Two of the Intergalactic Rules of  Engagement.
This is The Doctor. "

"Doctor I'm here, can you hear me?" Glad to see her husband.

But he can't hear her.

"So, tell  me, General Staal, since when did you lot become cowards? " Shoeporn.

"Doctor, you impugn my honour!" "Yeah, I’m really glad you didn’t say belittle cos then I’d have a field day."

Funny face. It's like oh reminds me of mah Donna. She'd slap me for such a rude comment.

Is that a reference to your sex life?

Priceless reaction. Like a little boy. "Aaah, the war’s not going so well, then? Losing, are we? "

"For victory. Sontar-ha! "

Eye-roll deluxe.

"Oh gimme a break."

UNIT Tv! Cartoons!

That sonic is SOOO interesting all of the sudden. He's sitting there like a boss.

I'd like to have a remote control like that.

"You will not be so quick to ridicule when you’ll see our prize. Behold!"

Oh, now he's interested.

"We are the first Sontarans in history to capture a TARDIS."

We're the first Sontarans in history to capture your wives

Now he's shocked.

Pretty Catherine/Donna.

"Well. As prizes go, that’s... noble."

"That's me! I'm here!"

Gesturing and implying oncoming phonesex.
"Sort of symbolic. Like if only we could  communicate. You and I. "

She gets it.

Waiting for his phonecall.

There's a screw waiting for you! Also symbolic the screwdriver.

"Doctor, what number are you on?!" Someone's getting excited.

But he's not telling her.

This pic looks either like she's getting rid of her trousers or like she's almost falling over. xD

"You haven’t even got a number! "

Waiting for the call.

Phoning her mother.


"Your granddad’s sealing us in. He’s sealing the windows. Our own house, and we’re sealed in!
All those things they said about pollution and ozone and carbon, they’re really happening aren’t they? "
And I just thought it would be nice to have a pic of what Donna's house looks like.

"There’s people working on it, Mum. They’re gonna fix it, I promise. "

"I’m sorry. I wish you were here."  "Where are you?"

"It’s sort of hard to say. "

She's in a box that's bigger on the inside. "Is he with you, the Doctor?"

"No. I’m all on my own. "

"The whole place is covered, the whole of London they’re saying and the whole, the whole world.
It’s the scale of it, Donna. I mean, how can one man stop all that?"
He's so worried. But the difference between him in Sylvia is that he wants to trust in the Doctor.

"Trust me. He can do it. "

Then why is she crying here? I don't get it. Because she can't help? Because she doesn't know what to do?

Bitchy Ten is back to steal your clipboard.

With mad sex-hair :D

Discussing the gas.


They want to launch their rockets.

"I told you not to launch!" my wife's up there!

Shocked and still looking pretty.

"Launching in 60, 59, 58, 57, 56… Worldwide nuclear grid now co-ordinating. 54, 53.."

S#$t they're gonna blow my wife up! *shock*

And the Sontaran is like harharhar now we know what his weakness is.

The attack failed.

Any idea where I could get a phone?

"How should I know?"

Another incoming signal.

This time it's the missing lover.

Tell the Doctor I love him....#over

And poor Ross is dead. RIP loverboy, rest in peace.

"He wasn’t Greyhound 40, his name was Ross." my lover
No I seriously like that he's reminding Mace that this was a man with a name and not just another soldier.

Just a pretty cap.

Glasses porn.

"Why are they defending the factory only after we were inside? " Discussing the problem.

"Phone. Have you got a phone? I need your mobile, quickly, hurry up! "
Hurry up, we've been waiting for this all day!

Calling Donna.

Answering the call.

What are you wearing?  xD Sorry I just had to. "I've got my secret"

"Oh somehow that's not making me happy." Donna's not in the mood.

This cap totally looks like they're totally having phonesex.

"I’m sorry, but you’ve got to go outside. " and check whether someone's listening

"But there’s Sonterruns out there. " She's scared.

"Sontarans, but they’ll all be on battle stations right now. They don’t walk around having coffee.
I can talk you through it. " Just imagine Sontarans having coffee :D

"But what if they find me? "

Unexpected!Phonesex caps!

"I know, and I wouldn’t ask, but there’s nothing else I can do. The whole planet is choking, Donna."
He needs her to save the world.

"What do you need me to do?"

Undress!  "I need you to reopen the link. " Ah that's how you call it these days.

"But, I can’t even mend a fuse."

Facepalm deluxe. "Donna! Stop talking about yourself like that. You can do this. I promise. "

"But he's gonna kill me. "

"I'm sorry. I swear I'm so sorry. But you've got to try. "
He's pushing her but he knows she can do it because he knows how brilliant she is.

The deadly mallet.

next part                                                                                                                                                 last part

ship: ten/donna, character art: donna noble, character art: ten, character art: doctordonna, episode:4x5 the poison sky, fanart: picspam

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