150 episode caps
Back with a new spammy spam! Loads of pics, shippy comments, silly storylines, random remarks, serious
thoughts, pretty people, hairporn, neckporn and phonesex.
Want some icons? Sure! Just tell me which cap you like and whether one of my silly captions should be included, or
some of your own ideas, go ahead! You know I'm going to upload a whole bunch of shiny new icons from this
episode anyway!
NO hotlinking. If you like a cap, go ahead, save it to your own computer and upload it to your own server.
Please credit me if you use the cap though.
Part 2
Part 3 Back in the TARDIS! And guess what! OMG! A woman! Piloting the TARDIS! The Doctor's precious
time machine! "I can't believe I'm doing this!"
And judging by the look on his face it makes him feel very uncomfortable. Eyeing both her and his
precious machine nervously and playing with his fingers. Observe how the old married couple goes
on their first holiday trip together. Well the first trip he lets her drive his old Jag (the TARDIS). Going
mental because he imagines all kinds of accidents she could cause.
"No neither can I!"
Hooooo! Take a deeeeeeep breath Doctor! "Whoa! Careful!"
And just like any other male who's condemned to watch his wife drive he just can't let her drive.
Interfering here, pressing buttons there and acting all bossy. Donna's just like woaaa yeah whatever
you just did, I don't understand anything. :D
"Left hand down , left hand down!" Yep, now he's no longer observing, he's directing and she has
to obey. BUT. She looks very pretty.
Turbulences! And it's ridiculous how he's holding on to her. He's getting her out of balance as well :D
Definitively afraid of dying there :D "Getting a bit too close to the 1980's!"
Married couple on the road translation: Almost ended up causing a rear-end collision!
"What am I gonna do, put a dent in them? " This quote is so perfect it doesn't even need an extra caption! :D
"Well, someone did." Haha whoops! Just then a phone is ringing!
And Donna is like: Ok now everyone stop whatever you're doing. And Ten's still holding the mallet
that looks like a mini baguette in this cap. :D
I don't get why he's so nervous/strange all of the sudden. Expecting it to be another ex wife Teny? xD
He's just checking the phone and looks gorgeous. How?
"You've got a mobile! Since when?" Canon translation: I could've called you instead of searching the
sky for a silly old blue box you dunce! Shippy translation: OMG why didn't you tell me earlier? I've been
dying to try out phone sex!"
"It's not mine." Strange ex wifes and girlfriends calling you although you haven't even got a mobile?
There's an app for that.
"Hello?" waaaazzzzuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup *harrumphs* sorry for the random Scary Movie outburst.
"Doctor? It's fuckyeahshipper! Martha. And I'm here to disturb your wam-bam-travel-about-sessions
with Donna for 5 more episodes this season so shippers can't enjoy the two of you alone in the TARDIS
oh and btw I started shipping the pair of you because Susan wants it to be so bringing you back to earth!"
How to avoid former companions the easy way: Just look the other direction. (+ tongue porn bonus)
neck+ coatporn.
I like how they lit up that scene. Random TARDIS rant: SEE! The little door that opens the phone says
pull to open, not the big doors! Big mistake Neil Gaiman.
Pretty DoctorDonna cap.
Awww the leaves, the colours, the TARDIS blue, the colours look rather pretty with my colouring.
It's such a lovely hug. Really. Martha got some of the best hugs (except for Donna of course! :D)
I like how Ten hugs her. Plus she deserves a decent greeting since he was quite an a** in series 3
(except for the Runaway Bride) And 21 Ten/Rose shippers / Martha haters (most of the time the same people)
just punched the air. I'm not bashing any ships or anything here I just don't get the Martha hate.
I didn't like her at first, too but after watching her series a couple of times I like her now.
A shy (and pretty) Donna appears.
So cute how she peeks over his shoulder and looks like "Haven't you forgotten someone here?"
I don't get why she looks so angry here. Maybe they just wanted to trick the viewer and Ten so we
assume she's just about to pick up a girl fight with Martha because she's jealous or something.
fuckyeahshipper! Martha in action! She goes awwwwww they're looking at each other. (lol this is totally me xD)
And the Doctor is like " :-O Awkward situation- ex meets wife"
"Didn't take you long to replace me." serious comment: I like how she has a sense of humour. Just
smiling away and mocking him. Not the "ow he doesn't love me" Martha anymore. She's grown because
she's happily engaged. Character development A+.
Shippy: "So you got married then, eh?"
And Ten is like OMG oh noz, awkward awkward.
Checking whether Donna heard it or not
Hush Martha don't!
Officially, we're just best friends. That's because of the anti-shippers who say we can't be together.
Now hush, don't tell her that I told you that we're married.
Martha: pppfff lol, k
Hello Donna! You can come now! No no she didn't say married. Ok maybe she did but please don't hit me!
Look how Martha smiles at Donna. So fascinated. No girlfight at all. That ladies and gentlemen, is what
I call proper former companion behaviour!
And Donna finally joins the small talk. "You wish."
Donna and Martha saying hello. I like how they're just getting along. And Donna is smiling so lovely!
"I've heard all about you. He talks about you all the time. " "I dread to think."
"No, no, no. He says nice things. Good things. Nice things. Really good things. " The way she looks at
him and the way she repeats words shows that she's lying for him. But that's lovely. She's trying to
make it all look better than it really is.
And he notices it and gives her that look. Bit surprised? Silent thanks? Anyhoo, that's one of the no words
moments I was talking about in my video!
And he looks at Martha like yeah yeah! Only said nice things about you!
"Didn't take you long to get over it, though. Who's the lucky man? "
Haha Donna's got a good eye! And she's happy for Martha!
And that's a pretty cap. Martha's both slightly embarrassed because of the crush thingy but at
the same time she's smiling away because of her ring.
"What man? Lucky what?" And Mister über-timelord doesn't get it.
fuckyeahshipper! Martha is flashing her jewels! A lovely engangement ring.
Bit disappointed there now, eh? No longer everyone's crush? Or is it the "engagement ring, reminds
me that I haven't even given Donna a proper ring." look xD
Is it just me or is this a bit of a fake smile? Like she's a bit sad. I remember her saying "I've been waiting
all my life for this" about her own wedding. Maybe she wants to get married in general and she's a bit
jealous of Martha? Or am I just making this up? :D
His reaction to Martha describing her fiancé as "strong". He's like "Pfff I'm so much cooler. He's giving
her a cheap ring, I'm giving Donna the whole of time and space."
And Donna's reaction to the word "strong." : "He is too skinny for words. You give him a hug, you get a paper cut."
And his face screams "Wut? I thought you liked my hugs!"
"And now they're teaming up on me!"
Fuckyeahshipper!Martha enjoys how Donna teases him.
"I'd rather you were fighting. " lool
No time for chitchat. Dr Martha Jones has work to do.
One of these moments when they don't look at each other simultaneously. At first it's the Doctor who
gives her a look and when she looks at him he's no longer looking at her. Funnyyyy
And again: No space between them at all :D They standing so close to each other it's ridiculous.
And Martha is like fuckyeah I'm a superBAMF....
Pretty people observing the UNIT operation
All they need now is some sunglasses and they would look even cooler. CSI Miami style!
L'Oreal. Cos Donna's hair's worth it.
When Martha tries to touch him subconciously he backs off :D Look at his face he's like
"Dude are you trying to touch me or what? GTFO."
"Is that what you did to her? Turned her into a soldier?" This is the third time we see how disgusted/
surprised Donna is when she discovers that some bad things happen because of the Doctor that he's
not the perfect saint and hereo everyone expects him to be. I guess that's what makes her remarkable.
She questions him and his actions and I think that's what made him change for the better.
Shippy comment: "Did she just try to grope you?"
Proper comment: The way he looks at her after that soldier question. He's quite surprised himself.
And he doesn't answer it because he has no answer. Speechless Doctorin an akward situation.
Shippy comment: "I think she did, yeah."
"No one is allowed to grope you but me, you got that Spaceman?"
Gorgeous people give us a bit of neckporn
Heading for UNIT base camp.
Entering the lorry. Bit of coat action!
Hair and neckporn. Plus the Doctor looks a bit pissed off doesn't he? :D
"Oh don't salute." Touchy Ten is touchy.
Bitchface and eye roll. :D
"What, you used to work for them? " Surprised Donna is quite surprised. Plus she is so very pretty^^
"Yeah. A long time ago, back in the 70s -- or was it the 80s? It was all a bit more homespun back then."
Yeaaahh just a tad homespun back then..:D Embarrassed about it?
I like how she stares at him like that :D
Shippy: "Didn't I tell you that you ought to tell everyone that I'm the only one who is allowed to grope you?
Now tell them."
My wife said you're not allowed to grope me.
"Now that's enough of the sir."
eyeroll á la Donna :D
Oral fixation
"Imma take mah coat off. People love it when I take my coat of in slow-mo."
"What, and that means arresting ordinary workers? In the streets? In broad daylight? It's more like
Guantanamo Bay out there. Donna, by the way. Donna Noble, since you didn't ask. I'll have a salute. "
This is another brilliant Donna moment. She isn't scared of his authority or his uniform she just tells
him what she doesn't like. Not many people can speak up their minds, she most certainly can.
I like her attitude.
And he's so proud :D That smirk :D
"Thank you" haha! She made him salute her! :D
Lost in thoughts. Pretty Ten.
Bit of hair and neck porn. Such a tease.
"Zero? No carbon? None at all?" no sexual tension?none at all?
"And you get sat-nav thrown in, plus 20 quid in shopping vouchers if you introduce a friend. Bargain. "
Wanna join? I need those vouchers and I like shopping
Checking out the ATMOS factory
"And you think ATMOS is alien? " Yes Doctor, this is a Sci-Fi show, remember?
Stalker!Doctor is watching you.
Just lovely somehow.
"That's why we thought we needed an expert." "Really? Who did you get? " glasses porn.
The way they stare at him like : Are you serious? Is he really that dim-witted?
"Oh me! I'm the expert! Yes. yes.Good." Well that penny has finally dropped.
Such a lovely smile.
Checking out the ATMOS thingy and looking very pretty.
So very pretty.
I like when he wears glasses.
Donnaaaa.... *comes closer*
This cap is soooo not showing any sort of sexual tension. Nah. Not at all. *whistles*
Remember what we talked about this morning? With the phone?
Yeahhh.. tension tension tension
How about...
the phonesex...
but without the phone? (lol is that a bit of a smile there Donna? xD)
I know Ten's thinking about how many cars there are on planet earth and what sort of weapon they
could create (nice plot idea btw!) but just imagine that thoughtful expression is not because of cars
but because of the phonesex without the phone. trololololololo
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