New years resolutions 2010!

Jan 11, 2010 23:55

Gotta keep the tradition alive and continue rachel and my new years resolutions :)

But first, review the new years resolutions of 2009:

New Years Resolutions 2009 for Sunny! By Rachel 
2) Learn to sing opera                                                          FAILED :(
3) Become a famous opera singer    F
4) Become so famous that you are asked to sing in Italy for the pope F
5) Adopt a puppy and name it "Norbert"  F
6) Dress Norbert up as a dragon for halloween C! just kidding... F
7) Travel to Guatemala F
8) Brush your gums so that you make your dentist happy and don't get gum disease C!!
9) Learn a martial arts/get exercise regularly Semi Completed
10) Learn to surf (stand up on a surfboard after catching a wave at least once) a pro at surfing, C
11) Create your own exotic shot concoction C! created on NYE, go me. :)
12) Learn a new song on the guitar C
13) Avoid abduction by aliens C
14) Write a best-seller about how you narrowly escaped aliens F, i'm working on it.
15) Explain to a deaf bum in sign language that you have no change F, did not encounter said bum =/
16) Win a stupid gamble on which you wagered $20 F, but i did win a gamble on which i wagered $5, it was glorious.
17) With your new found fortune of $40 go to Vegas F, i went to vegas w/o any new found fortunes :(
18) At Vegas be the new respectable big spender who is surrounded by beautiful, empty friends F, rachel did not go with me. :P
19) Ditch your new friends for your awesome one from high school (me) and go on a real adventure where you discover treasure F, we did not discover treasure, but we did go on a real adventure to Ocean Beach.
20) Bury said treasure and create a map to mark its location. F
21) Put map in high security bank vault in Switzerland, with strict orders that only your offspring may look at the contents F
22) Have children F
23) ...
24) Actually you don't have to have children this year. But put that on your Future Resolutions for Adulthood list C
25) Learn to salsa dance C!!
26) Go salsa dancing with Rachel and meet a spicy Latin lover with whom you'll have numerous escapades F
27) Go to firing range and shoot a gun F
28) Get a boring accounting job that will look good on your resume F
29) Take a yoga class C
30) Spend a full day watching the sun cross the sky F
31) Make and hold eye contact with a stranger C, stranger was not pleased
32) go camping F :(
33) go skiing C!
34) bake cookies C
35) build a snowman family F
36) read a book C
37) skip in the library during finals week C
38) wear a toga to class F
39) write new years resolution list for Rachel! C
40) Go over last years list that rachel made for you and see how well you did! C

And now My list for Rachel + Me:

MY NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION!!!!! 2009 edition

1. visit rachel at ucla at least once  C
2. raise my gpa    C                     
3. visit another country for more than a day C, Mexico counts :P
4. learn to cook better C
5. stay in touch with everyone that matters  C
6. work out C
7. work out C
8. work out C
9. really though, work out C
10. keep my journal going, an entry at least once everyone three weeks, at least.. preferably everyday, or at least once a week C, not livejournal though, obviously.
11. keep better track of my spending C
12. spend less F
13. like my job C
14. figure out what to do for the rest of my life F, working on it.
15. find mr. right, or at least mr. right now who is not afraid of commitments? eh, someone rich who loves me that im at least attracted to lol. C
16. have more phone conversations C
17. send a real letter C
18. receive a real letter C
19. avoid all dramas C
20. detach self completely from the terrible world of junk C
21. learn to ball room dance, as will impress rich man's mother at high social status events C
22. get used to running without a tredmill, as won't have tredmill when running from scary rapists C
23. have flat stomach by bathing suit season C
24. sky diving? F :( though many attempts were made
25. become sudoku master C
26. get a car!!! notice how it's 26 like my birthday! haaa. C
27. travel F :(
28. go to at least 2 concerts C
29. wake up earlier  F
30. rearrange room C
31. learn smelly cat on the guitar C
32. stop being so lazy C
33. go hiking at least once C
34. go on at least one snowboarding trip C
35. have fun C
36. stay 21 when the year is over. F :( I'm now 22


1. get over wanting to be single and marry one of the perfect guys that are falling for you everywhere F
2. play more with sunny C
3. have more phone conversations with sunny F
4. go sky diving, preferably with sunny F
5. take more pictures F
6. learn to love the office F
7. finally hook up with you know who F
8. write a real letter C
9. pet a bunny F
10. learn the G chord on the guitar F
11. go ice skating F
12. find cool job that pays a lot F
13. don't move to a place far away C
14. finally get an MP3 player F
15. go to 3 concerts F
16. swim in the atlantic ocean F
17. travel to the east coast and steal something little to keep as souvenier F
18. write a good poem F
19. write a good poem in hebrew about sunny F
20. learn to cook one new dish C
21. climb a mountain, literally or figuratively ;) C
22. ride a horse F
23. date someone not jewish or blonde F
24. curl your hair, then send picture to sunny as proof F :(
25.. learn a song in chinese F
26. touch the golden gate bridge F
27. learn to love USC F
28. find a career you love C
29. have fun C
30. stay in touch with everyone that matters, especially sunny! C
31. re-decorate the living room. but not before sunny visits C
32. turn 22.C

NOW for 2010 Resolutions!

New Year's Resolutions For Sunny, By Rachel:

1. Get a job (a real job)
2. Visit Rachel at her future job
3. Vote
4. Visit a national park
5. Take Rachel to Vegas and show her the strip
6. go skydiving
7. make a baskethoop from half-court
8. Learn 5 words in hebrew (Lamed doesn't count)
9. learn to salsa dance
10. learn to drive stick better
11. take a roadtrip (with Rachel)
12. snowboard a black diamond
13. go swimming / get exercise
14. befriend a stranger
15. create a scrapbook
16. have a waterballoon fight
17. build a snowman
18. read every single word in a magazine
19. go to the opera
20. be a film extra

New year's Resolution for Rachel, by Sunny:

1. go to vegas with friends and party at at least 2 clubs and eat a 1 buffet
2. sky diving with sunny!
3. get a job
4. get a rich, tall, handsome, successful and loving boyfriend
5. plant a flower, or get a plant and keep it alive for a week
6. go salsa dancing 3 days in a row
7. go snowboarding with sunny!
8. find a dollar on the street. can be coins collected at separate times
9. fly a kite
10. take a picture of a cute stranger (boy)
11. get a meaningful letter by hassling people to write you one
12. make up a funny joke all by yourself (in story form that begins with "once upon a time there was a toad"
13. learn to cook a super yummy dish, then make said dish for sunny to enjoy
14. drink champagne and celebrate Earth Day with Sunny
15. ask a stranger for directions in Hebrew
16. run 5 miles
17. feed a goat
18. climb a tree
19. dress up as a pimp for a costume party
20. learn 8 things in Chinese

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