Jan 20, 2004 05:12
Wow it's been way too long since i last updated. No, i'm not dead, i just disappeared for a while.
Well i am back up at LMU and very very happy! It's like i took an entire bottle of antidepressents...that's how happy i am! I missed everyone here so much...more that i thought i would. It was great to see all of those smiling faces again. And my room is finally situated. It just took about a billion trips to and from the car to get all of my stuff back in the dorm.
Today was the first day of classes. I must admit that i was a little nervous, just not knowing what to expect. New teachers and new classmates and new subjects can kinda seem overwhelming at one time. Plus, today along with thursday are my hardest days...about 7 hours of straight class.
My first class was drawing II. YES I DREW MY FIRST NAKED MAN! haha not too exciting...he was kinda old and monk-ish. I can tell this is gonna be a challenging class - the human figure and me don't mix...plus i have never drawn those certain discreet parts of the body. But i cannot wait to learn and improve. The teacher seems cool too. I just hope we get some Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Hugh Jackman look-a-likes. Then i'll be very very content! ;)
I also had my first Theology class...that's gonna be a breeze. All i'm gonna have to do is read, show up, and talk. Not too hard! And the teacher seems laid back; always a plus.
I'm getting ready to go to my final class of the day, 2D design! Finally a class up my alley. I am interested to see what we do. Luckily i was able to avoid the bad teacher...i've heard horror stories, so we'll see how mine is.
For this week, i am mainly gonna get back into the swing of things. Get everything organized, visit with friends, and have fun of course. My time will be mostly dedicated to sorority stuff. It's Rush Week and i am very excited. I just hope they like me! By Sunday i'll know my status.
So that's about it folks. Just wanted to let ya know what i'm up to and to let u know that i did not fall off the face of the earth.
Peace and take care everyone!
~Luv 'n Hugs