(no subject)

Jan 17, 2009 12:19

Uhm, We have some news here.First of all I would like to give a look in my wallet.

Yes, it is very childish, just like me. :P

This is the inside...oh, what is that pink card? It wasn't there before...

Ohhhh, it's my DRIVING LICENSE!!!!

It went more or less like this: yesterday the driving teacher called me and said the exam was today at 7.30 am. Oh gosh, so early!
I had very bad sleep for all night, it was not for the exam...I had a nightmare about a manic who stalked me, so I got some good sleep only in early morning.
I wake up and watched the clock.
7.29!! FUCK!!!!!
The thing I hate most is to be late. I don't know how I did it, but in 10 minutes I was in front of the driving school, from the teacher's face I guess he wanted to kill me :P The exam went fine, it was very very quick, I just turned 2 corners and parked once (+ something more I am not sure how to say in english). In total it lasted 5 minutes.
*Sunnie is happy*

Plus, When I came back home I noticed I got some mail *_*
Here is the first postcard I got from the Postcrossing site (if you were wondering, I joined it just after I understood what it was about :P hehe).

[ # 1 - Portugal - Isola de Sao Miguel, Azzorre ]

It reads:
Ciao A,
questa cartolina mostra una Chiesa che si trova sull' Isola di Miguel, nelle Azzorre.
Come l' arte como sculta per si stessi.
Sono un fan d'Italia.
Un abracio

I am not sure what he ment with the second sentence, but I was impressed the first postcard I got by that site was in Italian :D*Sunnie is happy happy*

sunnie and postcards, everyday sunnie, sunnie and photos

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