I think this is the first picture of myself I ever putted on a lj.
I have never liked the idea of putting pics of myself on the net, for some kind of privacy I think.
Have I changed my mind? :P I don't know. But this is what you get for now.
It's me with Villi, the pig my boyfriend gifted me when I visited him last winter. I sent him a rabbit toy for Christmas, named Pinki. So, Villi and Pinki, after met, became great friends straight away, and now they miss each others so damn much. I admit I see Villi crying sometimes during nights. So the other day I was so happy to say him we both are going to meet Pinki and Ju on July, the 11th. YEAAAYYYY! All 4 of us are going to -in order- Helsinki, Stockolm, Copenhagen, Roskilde, Odense, Oulu, Kuusamo, included a small cruise. Villi can't wait anymore, it continues to bounce everywhere for happiness and counts days.
I can't wait either!