Apr 17, 2005 13:54
All [e y e s] on me>> the Goo Goo Dolls<<
Daylight burns your sleepy eyes
It's hard to see you dreaming
You hide inside [y o u r s e l f]
I wondered what you're thinkin'
And everything you're [c h a s i n g]
It seems to leave you [e m p t y]
And it won't take long to burn
Through the [n o t h i n g] that you've learned
And the things you [c h o o s e] to be
But your eyes look away
It's so hard to be someone
Strung out from today
And all that you [k n e w] [s l i p s] [a w a y]
You drown in deeper oceans
Inventing new religions
They smile and stab my back and
I lie and have to laugh
And it won't take long to burn
Through the [n o t h i n g] that you've learned
And the things you [c h o o s e] to be
But your eyes look away
It's so hard to be someone
Strung out from today
And all that you [k n e w] slips away
And you hide in your room
And the light burns away
And you move from the [t r u t h]
It's all so [f a r] from you