Jul 01, 2004 23:43
So whats next for life.
I am paying soo much for privte dancing lessons - and for £10 more a month - i can do EVERY class that my dance school offers - thats a LOT of classes.
Includes all Ballet, Jazz, Modern, Tap etc etc etc. I'd get show experience and i'd be sooo fit.
The only downside is that it'd totally remove my social life.
I'd have Saturdays from 4:30 off, and that's really it,
Monday - work - dancing
Tues - Uni - dancing
Wed - work - dancing
thurs - uni - dancing
Friday - Work - dancing
Saturday - dancing - off
Sunday - drama - uni work.
That'd be my week.
And i'd love it - but how do i rotate my friends into one night a week?
It'd work me so hard. But maybe it's time to put my social life on hold and work on what I really want?
I saw Footloose tonight - and i realised how much i need to improve my dancing skills. I used to be fantastic - but the break has caused some damage that'll take years to repair the way i'm going . I'm badly out of shape and not flexible at all!
Bearing in mind i used to be a gymnast - now i can barely touch my toes.
Hmmm - i'll get a list of classes from my dance teacher on Saturday and think about it from there. It's in 10 week block so i guess i could do it for the summer and see how i feel about it in September? See what the difference is.
lora x