Dec 10, 2008 22:31
well, Jay and I had made arrangements to keep his crazy ex from contacting us, long storey short the minute he gets his number back the BS starts again. /
The plus side is his family can't stand her, so his father WILL permanently change his number now to keep her at bay, the suck part is now noone will have his number, so because of his ex trick he will lose contact with some folks, I guess the bright side of even that is mst of his friends know my number and can reach him that way to start with, Its just ashame this chic won't grow the fuck up and move the fuck on ( Yeah, I said the "F" word)anyway it kind of vindicates our move as well. the further from her the better.
I just don't understand some people and the shit they do.
There comes a time in life when you have to grow up.
wht can some people not do that?
lol even a friend of his was here over the weekend, who still talks to her ONLY when NEEDED and they told me how whacked out she is, they try to avoid her at all costs and said there is just no reasoning with her.
(not the only person who has told me that)
someone refferred to her as the drama llama,lmao boy, they had it right !only really that is putting it mildly.
anyway enough for now, I don;t want to wast my precious time on her foolish shit.
(I do not bother listening to her or reading her lies anymore either, I learned that the hard way.
so moving right along,
in other news:
All went well at court today. everything is going just as it should,
I seen a ride on Dino that less had been telling me of, it is REALLY cute and even though Legend is still too small for it I think I may get it for him anyways.
lol with my luck he will be afraid of it.
but I'm sure the older boys will love it until he does grow into it, lol I played with one for a while my self tonight.
it walks, talks, blinks and eats.
Jay and I are getting our family picture made, to display during wedding.
I'm thinking of a triphome for christmas so that we can have a white one,
it's ALWAYS nice curling up next to my man, but I miss curling infront of a fire with him.
(soon we can do it EVERYday)
Dana's pups will be ready just in time for christmas, she has 1 boy and one girl, ( I want the girl of course)
anyways, all is looking up (as it normally does before she rears her ugly head,)
; ) Huggles,