63 bucks.... I spent 63 bucks on raw material today. That is a lot of money to be putting into a summer project! But when it is complete....DAMN YA, I am building hard dance pads, with a rubber matting (23bucks). Hopefully I'll get it done by the end of May, because I wana dance on my DDr pads again. Till then my parents are getting me two more pads in two weeks when they go by Toronto for camping. Yucky camping, I hate it, thank god I ain't going, this also means the house to myself for like 4 days ^^; two of them being holidays!
Cheryl is sooo kewl, she and amir = my advice givers, they knocked some sense into me. For that I am grateful, and I must thank you two.
'Thank you'
Now I ain't stuck in that little mental vice thats been driving me nutts, perpaphs is time I get reorientated again, and just do what I need to do.
1.get a job (done)
2.get g2
3.hang out with friends (work in progress)
4.make DDR pad(in progress)
5.get a girl?(in progress)
So far everything is going well, I am always trying to do one of these things at all times. The job was easy, becuase nicole managed to talk cathy into hiring me on the spot, and Rick the manager just loves me. As for my g2? I am getting it all setted up this month! Gona get it in two week or so hopefully. Being with friends is kewl, I been hanging out with lots of people I know just after work and stuff, infact I've been busy eachday because of it. Ahhh yes, me and clarence are doing a little summer project consisting of making hardfloor ddr pads, as I have mention up above, and here is the
Sigh Nicole :P, what is there to say? Not much aside from the fact that I have the biggest urge to just call her, although I don't know her number! Cheryl is right though, I am rushing things, I don't know enough about her, I need to communicate with her more. Yet this feeling of being liked is immense, I feel different already. Maybe it'll turn out good this time, after hearing Dj talk about her future husband, I wouldn't mid getting a wife early (as in like mid 20's to late 20's). Then again now I am just thinking too farahead, yet it is something pleasent to think about.
I need a Spicy Chicken Combo.