I'd like to rant for one second.
My allergies are driving me insane. I have been feeling so under the weather lately, it's been difficult for me to get through my daily routine. I had a hard time with allergies in Vegas, but it is ten times worse here in Omaha. Stupid corn.
A few months ago my doctor wrote a prescription for medication and my insurance denied it. DENIED. The reasoning was that since Claritin is over the counter now, they need documented proof over a reasonable time period that Claritin was not working for me. Stupid insurance.
The only medications that seem to work are the ones that make me resemble a very moody zombie. It's probably not so much because the medicine works as much as it's the fact that I'm completely knocked out asleep.
Anyway, on to better news. The weather is beautiful which makes my outdoor treks with the dogs so much more pleasant. I'm going to bring my camera this week during one of our walks to take some pics.
This weather makes me want to get my balcony done. World Market has this great futon/sofa that I'm dying to get for it.
I'm all about the sky blue cushions instead of the cream though.
My only other plans for today is finishing this fabulous book that I can't put down.