the living dead.

Oct 26, 2006 11:55

Halloween is almost here. Nice.

I did not have to turn in that report when I thought--Dr. Lewin pushed it back since we had been working so darn hard. Thanks, Dr. Lewin!

I saw Jenny Lewis, The Blow and Vietnam on the 15th--AMAZING...she is one of the most wonderful musicians ever...her new songs are ace...and the finale...everyone singing handle with much happiness...Jonathan Rice's voice--singing or just speaking--is so wonderful to hear...I could listen to him talk for HOURS.

Last night, I was Tilly and the Wall, Pony Up! and Love is All...Tilly was superb...I was highly impressed...what I was not impressed by, however, is the boy that felt the need to "hold" me during the show, but I managed.

I think next week is going to be an easy week for me--it is about time, I have barely been able to breathe lately...I have to write an Alcohol Awareness article, but other than that, I am good to go!

Love just like blood will always stain!
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