a night of bonding with the scandalous girls (sheena, lor, cla, diana, and yours truly.)
karaoke-ing (woooooo!) and watching movies (brokeback, mirrormask) tired us all out, thus, an early bedtime of around 1am. Hahahaha. Well, we are just beginning. Brokeback was boring though. But the mirrormask was cool. I’m definitely getting a dvd of it. ^_^
I’ll spread my wings and I’ll learn how to fly
I’ll do what it takes ‘til I touch the sky…
I need to get away from here, or just from you. oftentimes I love you, many times I get agitated by you, and nowadays I find me pretty fed up or… I don’t know. Its just mixed. Sometimes it would be fun to be able to run my own life, have my own condo/house, and… free myself from the things you’re putting around me because maybe this girl needs something more than this.