Jul 07, 2007 12:43
I am afraid this week has been rather uneventful and picture-less. I could have made my photo albums more entertaining with a bunch of random pictures, but that's just not me - I do not see the point. I do promise for more interesting tales to occur within the next three weekends, but for now...
This past week I visited a gorgeous palace of King George II, went bowling (ha), participated in a pub trivia quiz and lost miserably, semi-celebrated the 4th of July in the rain, and went to a club. During most of these events, I seem to have developed some kind of reputation among the staff - who are just Sussex alumni.
It all began at the pub trivia quiz (which is simply a weekly quiz at the on-campus pub) with a chat held with the Quiz Master. As I was speaking he interrupted me to say "You really do not look like you want to be here." Uhh, really? Well my team did just get dead last. And then at the 4th of July barbecue, the Quiz Master noticed me and said "Hey, you're the indignant one from the other night." Aww. I tried to put a positive spin on it and said "It's good to be recognized" but I do not know why he would say that of me. I do enjoy being here, I do! I just drown in deep thought sometimes which might give off a bored face. After my encounter with him, another staff member came up to me and said "You have a very particular way of standing - as though you are irritated." Hmph. Not only does my face show annoyance, but so does the rest of my body language. I had not realized this.
Okay, now here is a different story - one of my superior knowledge (j/k). It is surprising how many students do not know about European voltage and, as a result, have blown something up. It is not their fault really as the school definitely should have provided some info packet on it at one of the pre-departure orientations. It is my guess that the school administration enjoys hearing girls tell their frantic tales of their hair dryers catching fire. I am not one of those girls because I did my research. I read about voltage, wattage, hertz, and converters before I came (not that the information came easy for me to understand). But I brought only what I knew was dual voltage and compatible and did not bring anything otherwise. Fire and electric shock free I am and I too giggle at the girls who forced their 1900 watt hair dryer into the obscure sockets.
Oh yes, the fourth problem I mentioned last week has now been solved. My financial aid finally came through and I now have quid! Not that I can shop with it as I over-packed terribly (bringing nine pairs of shoes) and cannot afford any space in my luggage for souvenirs.