Ooooh. I've been heavily thinking about getting a new digital camera. A compact one. I originally wanted a Canon. The SD990IS. It is very pricey, but has all the features I want in a digital camera - especially a point and shoot. Too bad not many stores carry it (only online). I kept holding off on buying it. Then I decided not to get it. Now I found
this one. Sony WX1. It looks so cute. Tiny and AWESOME! There's so many nifty features and apparently it's GREAT in low light! Woo. I just have to see if Best Buy carries it in store. It says "online only" but you never know, right? It's a little pricey but I think it's worth it. I can't wait to buy it. Haha, Merry Christmas to me. :) (Okay, lies... my brother gave me some money on my birthday for a new camera.)
Mmm... Finally catching up on Heroes. It's entertaining because the guy that plays Samuel played T-Bag on Prison Break (which I'm watching through netflix). Plus Ray Park is a beautiful specimen of man. Haha. Seriously, he looks fantastic with scruff. I never really found him all that attractive but in Heroes he is pretty awesome. I guess I finally got over his Darth Maul and Toad look. :D