Dec 02, 2008 00:08
Babies, it is 12: 09, and I'm just kinda chillin'.
I really cant stand school anymore. At all. What the fuck.
This morning I had this weird psycho urge to beat someone up. I think it has to do with reading to much Smack.
And I was really pissed and miserable that I had to go to class. Totally. Miserable.
I want a 'lectric guitar for xmas, how much would a good beginner cost, you think?
And a laptop I'll have to save for on my own I guess.
I want peeps to hire me for babysitting or dogwalking or someshit.
..I didnt go to rock climbing today. I was happy and relieved yet sad that I couldnt hang out with Silvia..
why did i say i liked winter,
stupid cold,
fuck i have to run tomorrow. in the cold,
blabhalbhlah fuck