How to survive a lightning strike.

Apr 02, 2021 16:33

Hello! I discovered a handy article from The Art of Manliness website on how to survive a lightning strike. Stay safe, everyone. 💙

Website article title: How to survive a lightning strike: an illustrated guide.

Article written by: Brett McKay and Kate McKay.

Article first published on April 24, 2014. Article last updated online on September 12, 2020.

Article's website URL address: []

Information from article:

If you keep hearing thunder, in less than every thirty seconds, get inside a car or building immediately to avoid being hit by lightning. Lightning can kill or injure people.

If there aren't any buildings nearby and you don't have a car, stay near shorter trees. Avoid tall trees and flag poles, as lightning tends to hit taller isolated objects first.

If you're  in an open area, go to a low valley or ravine, to avoid being hit by lightning. Be alert for flash floods.

If there's lightning, avoid lakes, rivers, oceans as water conducts electricity. If lightning hits water while you are swimming, this can kill you. DO NOT SWIM IN WATER OUTDOORS WHEN THERE IS LIGHTNING.

Lightning is close to you if your hair stands on end, your skin is tingling, or you hear a buzzing or clicking noise, or you see metal objects shining with a blue white light. If this happens, crouch on your knees close to the ground. This will reduce chances of lightning hitting you.

DO NOT LIE DOWN ON THE FLOOR OUTSIDE WHEN THERE IS LIGHTNING. If you lie on the floor and lightning hits the floor, this could kill you.

Put your hands over your ears to reduce chances of getting hearing loss if lightning and thunder is near you.

DO NOT TOUCH LIGHTNING CONDUCTORS SUCH AS WATER, CONCRETE OR METALS SUCH AS GOLD, COPPER, STEEL, BRASS, BRONZE OR SILVER. Touching things that conduct lightning or electricity when there is lightning can injure or kill you, so don't do it.

The only part of your body touching the ground should be your feet. This reduces the chances of lightning attacking your body.

Crouch down with your heels touching each other. This increases chances of lightning going through one foot and escaping your other foot, which reduces chances of injury. 
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