May 16, 2010 11:46

So, pretty much this past week has been the most crazy, emotional, epic, stressful, and adventuresome week of my entire life. A lot of stuff has happened such as finishing my AP tests to hanging about 200 feet from my death. Anyways, let me explain it all underneath a cut, cause I feel it may be a little long due to some details.

To start things off, the beginning of this week/the end of the week before were the days when I finally finished my AP tests, and boy am I glad that I am finally finished with them!
Alright, for the second thing, on sunday (a week ago from today) I read the second to last chapter of the best series in the whole entire world, Full Metal Alchemist. Holy crap, HOLY CRAP. I can't believe that it is actually ending in June! So much is happening, and it's so epic, and I just don't want it to end. Whenever I think about it ending, then I get teary eyed, kind of like how I am right now. :( But pretty much, FMA is like my life, since I've been reading it for about four years, and it's what brought my friends and I together. I know this sounds cheesy, but it's been a blessing in my life, and I'm not sure what I'll do without it anymore.
Anyways, I'll stop ranting about it, because I can go on and on and on and on...
Next on the list. On thursday it was the Supernatural season finale and WHAT THE HECK. Talk about a roller coaster of emotions! The episode was so intense cause one moment we were crying, then screaming, then both together, than rejoicing, then crying, and more screaming, and it was just chaos. I'm pretty sure every emotion possible was felt that night. So much happened and I was so scared for some of the characters' lives! Oh man, it was just really really epic, and now I'm sad that I have to wait till next year to watch the next season.
Okay, now for the last and most crazy thing that has happened to me this week. So, on friday I went with my sister, her boyfriend, and a big group of people on a trip to Moab, which is a trip that these people do every year. We left in the morning and got there in the after noon. At first we went to some sand dunes and jumped down them, taking some cool pictures, and once the other group of people, who came down the day earlier, met us we had some lunch and then headed to Corona Arch, which is where we would go repelling. So, after taking an amazing hike through some beautiful scenery, we finally reached Corona Arch. This is what it looks like.

So, we climbed up that slanted part behind the arch, which was really steep and took a while cause we had to hook up a rope and do all this stuff with harnesses. But once we got up to the top, we went over and climbed onto the arch, which I think is about 200 feet or so. Anyways, to get to the point, we quickly set everything up and then three people went down first before I went. But by time it was my turn, the weather was starting to turn on us. It had gotten really cloudy, extremely windy, and it was starting to rain a bit. BUT I still wanted to repel down the middle of the arch, cause I'd never get a chance to do it. So, I started down the side of the arch and once I got to the point where there was no more rock, I jumped down a little. As I was letting myself drop at a reasonable pace, the wind was pushing me back and forth like a crazy beast. That's when suddenly my hair got stuck in the device that I was using to lower myself down, which I think is called a gregory or something like that. Now, it wasn't a little bit of my hair that was stuck, but a whole bunch to the point where the device was literally grinding against my head. So, here I was, hanging about 170 feet or more in the air, it's really really stormy, and I can't go anywhere. I wasn't sure how I would get out of this mess and the device was really hurting my head. My sister, who was on the ground below, was freaking out and told the leader of the group, Jared, to quickly get on a harness and help me out. So, he quickly made a make-shift harness, slowly repelled down, and had to cut my hair out of the device, since I was so stuck in it. By time all this finished, I had been hanging in the air for about ten minutes and when I got down, I was kind of shaken up. When I felt my head, that's when I realized my head was bleeding from all the pressure, which wasn't too good. So, to make a long story short, my sister and her friend took me back to the car, since it was pouring on us and the wind was really wild. Luckily for me, the hair, which was a lot, that had been ripped/cut off is beneath a lot of other hair, so you can't really notice the big scar that i have on my head. And even though I got hurt, I would totally go repelling again!
Anyways, one more thing. SO on saturday we went river-rafting down the Colorado River which was SO MCUH FUN. We went on some pretty good rapids, and there was even this one where there was like a hole in the rapids that we fell into and we almost flipped our boat over. I almost fell out of the boat, cause I was riding the bull, which is the very front of the boat with my legs dangling in the water. Luckily we had some strong guys who kept us all in and we were able to make it. But, after that rapid, we quickly went to shore just to get ourselves organized and that's when we noticed that a boat had just barely flipped over and the people/their stuff had spilled out and were being pulled by the rapids. So, we quickly went to help them, which took a while, and it was kind of hard. But in the end, we were able to save the boat, the people, and a few of their supplies. And then, after all of our rafting was done and we did a few other things, I didn't get home till about one in the morning.
So, that is pretty much all of my crazy week. If I hadn't written so much already, I would have explained these stories in greater detail,cause oh my heck; It was really intense in real life. Anyways, I hope that life is going good for all of you!

supernatural, craziness, fma, awesome adventures, repelling, holy crap i could have died, river rafting

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