Oct 21, 2004 22:07
You meet a lot of interesting people in life who teach you a lot of different things. I like to examine everything in my life to see where it leads; life is more interesting and subjective that way. So, the subject of this entry is a certain person, Miss Bethany Spagnuolo.
I've always liked Bethany - I like a lot of her qualities; she's a badass. I think of myself as a pretty meek person - sure, I have some unresolved anger issues...coughcough...but other than that, I prefer nonviolent confrontations. Bethany would rather scream and someone and kick their ass.
So, now, let's not skirt around any topics. This entry, although titled Bethany Spagnuolo is actually about Devin O'hara. 'Aaah, the plot thickens.' See, Devin and I were good friends, and we had fun together, until:
What Lindsay would say: Devin got mad at me for some reason, and I'm not sure why. I tried to just wait it out and see if he'd come around, and he did...but then all of a sudden he just did a 360 and now probably wishes I was dead.
What Bethany would say:Devin got a fucking bug up his ass, and if he doesn't fucking GET the fucking bug OUT of his fucking ass, I'll forcibly remove it for him.
In so many words, yatta yatta. So, for those of you who DON'T know what exactly is going on. Andrew and I are going to homecoming, and for some reason, along with others unknown to me, this throws Devin into a huge fit of rage and hate towards both of us. Okay, whatever...eventually he sort of stops hating me, but then, one day, OUT OF THE FUCKING BLUE, goes back to hating me with RENEWED VIGOR and determination.
So why am I so mad? Imagine this scenario: Your friend gets mad at you - real mad, I mean, won't even talk to you for days, and you don't know why - you could always hide behind the 'I don't know' line, but in all honesty, you don't. Eventually, your friend isn't all that mad at you anymore, and since you're not sure what made him mad in the first place, you're just happy that things'll get back to normal - until suddenly they get REALLY mad at you. I mean, now it's the works. Again, you don't know why - they condemn you, they hate you, etc., and still, you have no idea why. You're not even mad at them, but finally you get so frustrated you go off on them, and then...
This is where Bethany Spagnuolo comes into play. See, I got online tonight and I had two e-mails, comments. One was from John Erickson. Now, John Erickson is a cool dude - I don't have any problems with. See, but the thing is, he calls me a douche-bag for going off on Devin...'chiecheica' gives him props. Now, I don't particularly like being called a douchebag by a person who has no idea what they're talking about. And, further more, I ESPECIALLY don't like someone standing behind a person they don't know and giving them props for saying something like.
And I thought to myself, "What would Bethany do?" Yes, what would Bethany do. And then I realized..."Wow...I take a lot of shit from people." And I also realized, "Wow...Bethany doesn't take any shit from people..." I'm not idealizing Bethany - she's got her faults, just like the rest of us, but I'd like to take her attitude.
And you know what? I think I'm going to.
SO, if there's ANYBODY OUT THERE who has read this now - and oh, I mean anybody who would like to say something in regards to this situation - perhaps offer me an explanation, curse at me, or just call me a douche-bag, feel free.
Because I fucking garuntee to you that in the near future - maybe tomorrow, maybe the next day, that I will be talking to John Erickenson about his unsavory remark. And if he has anything else to say, I can't WAIT to hear it. As for Cheica, you know, I never had any problems with her - I always thought she was pretty cool. Until she gave someone props for calling me a douche-bag. Yes, I'll be talking to her too.
And if you think I'm overreacing, that's fine - I'm not going to let this get out of hand. I'm going to stop this bullshit before it even starts, because I'm fucking SICK of this SHIT. So go ahead and comment - and this post isn't friend's only, so I hope everyone out there can read this:
Devin, you did me wrong. I don't know what I did to you, and I've asked you too many times - and I'm not going to ask again. I'm not going to start shit with you - and beleive me, if I ever wanted to start shit with a person, I will go to extreme lengths for my own ammusement - but I'm not going to do anything. But let me say this: If you want to say things to other people about me, feel free - but keep in mind that at THAT point it becomes personal; I don't like people talking shit about me. I'm not sure why Cheice would think that I was a 'douche-bag' - but beleive me, when I find out - and I will - and if it turns out you've been saying things you shouldn't, it's not going to be pleasant for anyone. I'm tired of this, and I will not tolerate being called names like some five-yeard old.
So, a big, warm hearty shout-out to Bethany Spagnuolo, who's inspired me to step up to the bat in this one and be half the person she is.
And if you disagree - kiss my ass.