Feb 07, 2006 20:42
ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS OF ESQUIMALT HIGH SCHOOL having livejournals and exams tomorrow morning and/or afternoon:
Just thought of this while I was studying tonight. Presently, ~3 ppl total are in on this, but I think that with more people, there would be just more laughing and more relaxing and serotonin prior to exams = good things! There are 2 parts to this proposition:
~11:00am-12:00pm: pumping-up/feel-good music in the jazz annex. This is provided it isn't otherwise occupied, provided that music and such with technology in fact works, etc. Dance and laugh some stress out prior to your afternoon exam or after your am exam.
~12:30pm: lap around the track. Instruments, silly walks/runs, laughing, etc., is all muchly encouraged. Then we can all stretch and face our exams in a "bam, oh yeah, you want a piece of this, Mr. Exam?" sort of way.
...And then once exams are over, we can all catch up on that much-needed sleep, and return to the less-insane end of the sanity spectrum.
Anyway! Just show up if you'd like. Should be fun regardless. (Ie, even if it just ends up being me "dancing" to music by myself in the annex. Oh yeah, we're talking coolness plus, here. Slash, vomit. Right. Back to studying!!)
Good luck on all your exams, everyone!! Much in the way of heart-age is being zapped to you. It won't interfere with either your sinoatrial or atrioventricular nodes and the whole heart beating thing, so no worries there. [/biology 12 provincial!! :P >_<]