So some US university guy came up with a study showing "Americans hold four different images of God". The first founr are from the study, the rest are from
- Authoritarian God. Angry at earthly sin and willing to inflict divine retribution.
- Distant God. A faceless, cosmic force that launched the world but leaves it alone.
- Benevolent God. Sets absolute standards for man, but is also forgiving--engaged but not so angry.
- Critical God. The classic bearded old man, judgmental but not going to intervene or punish.
- Totalitarian God. He is everywhere, and he is watching you.
- Multitasking God. Answers prayers by phone, fax and BlackBerry, all at the same time.
- Noncommittal God. Loves his children, but isn't "in love" with them.
- Passive-aggressive God. "Go ahead, sin if you want to. Don't worry about my wrath."
- Obsessive-compulsive God. Washes his hands of us hundreds of times a day.
- Narcissistic God. Worships himself.
- Codependent God. Enables us to sin so that we'll need him.
- Dyslexic God. "For he so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Puppy . . ."
- Hypothermic God. "Many are cold, but few are frozen."
- Hippocratic God. So powerful, he thinks he's a doctor.
- Jewish mother God. "My children--I gave them life, but do they pray?"
- Common-law God. Since the beginning of time has assumed sole responsibility for Godlike acts, but has not legally been established as "God."
- Customer service God. "Press 1 for the Father, 2 for the Son, 3 for the Holy Spirit."
- Unitarian God. Nice enough guy, but doesn't really seem to believe in himself.
- Progressive God. Has outgrown the simplistic belief in his own literal existence, considers himself spiritual but not religious.
- Liberal God. Commands man to "be fruitless and divide"; is completely self-absorbed yet doesn't believe in himself; wants you to stop sinning but doesn't have an alternative; can't stop yelling, "Satan lied, people died!"
- Peace activist God. He's sending you to hell, but he supports the sinners!
- Cindy Sheehan God. Wants George W. Bush to tell him what "noble cause" his Son died for.
- Darwinian God. Possessed of an exquisite set of irony, he has divided mankind into two groups: those who believe that the most powerful biological force is the tendency of a population to be dominated by its most quickly reproducing members, and those who are actually reproducing.
- Planned Parenthood God. One Child is enough.
- New York Times God. Is angry only when people question the accuracy of his publication or his wisdom in divulging secret plans devised in the hearts of men.
- Reuters God. "One God's terrorist is another's freedom fighter."
- Rush Limbaugh God. "Talent on loan from me."
- Hippie God. Must have been on something when he created the world.
- United Nations God. Reaffirming that you are a sinner, he calls upon you to repent and decides to remain actively seized of this matter. If you ignore his call to repent, he will call upon you to repent again.
- CIA God. Knows everything, but lacks the resources to process and analyze it.
- George W. Bush God. Responsible only for evil.
- Sports God. Similar to Distant God, but occasionally intervenes when a big play is needed.
- Hertz Rent-a-God. He puts you in the driver's seat.
- Avis Rent-a-God. He tries harder.
- Enterprise Rent-a-God. He'll pick you up.
- Visa God. He's everywhere you want him to be.
- MasterGod. Priceless.
- American Express God. Don't leave home without him.
- Budweiser God. This God's for you.
- Windows God. Plug and pray.
- Google God. For those who are always searching.
- Frugal God. Jesus saves.
- Chairman God. Sets the agenda, but doesn't get involved in day-to-day operations.
- Micromanager God. Not a sparrow falls but he needs a report on why, with guidance on what to do about it.
- Soccer God. How about a pray date with his Son?
- Schroedinger's God. Either exists or doesn't, and the act of looking changes the answer.