they call me Mellow Yellow

Sep 15, 2007 01:25

so.  i'm going blind.  well, not really--i just wear glasses now.  and can i say, i love it.  they'e a pain the in the ass to keep clean, and sometimes they pinch my head.

but there is something, like a boost of confidence, a.....sense of being able to get away with anything.  i feel vibrant.  i feel smart.  i feel sexy and daring and noticed--like everyone sees me, and they're all saying, "who's that girl?"

i don't like the fact that this is the first stop on the road of vision loss, but it was bound to happen--even my dad, Mr. 20/20 himself, has within the past few years had to succumb to spectacles.

i feel spectac-ular.

when was my last post?  Christ, i've been to Disneyland with Jake and his dad (and got fried), i've started's going well.  it's a lot of work but i'm already in the 5th week, so that's OK.

i just can't wait for it to start cooling down.

i want to sing in front of a lot of people.  i've been wanting to more and more lately.  i don't know why NOW of all times; but damnit, i know i can sing.  i'm no professional, but i know i can damn well sing.  and i want to show everyone.  i don't know.  it's weird.

and German is a wonderful language.

and i'm addicted to my iPod.

and when the sun hits my hair it looks like gold silk, and i feel like an angel and an imp and mistress of all i see and the sensual daughter of all the sky.

the lover of the wind.

and i have to smile at that, and i only know why.

i am the golden-hair surprise.  the dream-weaver. 
i'm a lover.  I'm the girl with kaleidescope eyes.  bright eyes.
i can be neither captured nor tamed
but you can set me on fire and i will burn
and laugh
and shine
and i will always think because i crave knowledge

i guess i always will

i love to be moved

how strange.  how very very strange.

love you later,
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