It's been a strange year.

Nov 25, 2012 16:15

Hi all,
Well.. Hello me and everyone else lurking.. hehe.  I haven't written anything in a long time.  Honestly, I still don't know why I keep this thing.    For what I have no idea.  Okay fine, I just like to write, keeps the old gears turning properly. :)  I have learned about a lot myself, this year.  I have also learned who my friends are and who are not really my friends...    I am not the most trusting person... but I will say, the people I never would have thought in a million years would be my friends and be so supportive, are... so go figure.  Life is just funny that way.  When we are younger we all think that the people we are friends with growing up will always be our friends, but life like to throw us a curve ball and keep us on our toes.   I have learned those people that can't really accept us for who we are, flaws and all are not really true friends.  I choose to surround myself with loving, supportive people and before I wasn't surrounding myself with that.  I choose in the life to voice my opinion and be respectful and others that can't and won't, really aren't welcome in my life.   I will not let others tell me who "I" am when they obviously have not clue whatsoever who I truly am.   The people that do, truly have my back and love me despite of having different opinions and sharing a different outlook on life.   The ones that share it, love me and support me the ones that don't share the same, I kinda expect the love and support thing as well.   Life is worth living and enjoying  and experiencing.  I have learned that I don't want to live my life worrying about petty things and worry about what people are thinking of me every second of every day.   I want to laugh, create and enjoy the company of others who inspire me this way.   Not the people that put me down, make life my  miserable because they are miserable themselves.  Why would I want that?   When God closes a door, sometime he seals it shut where it needs to be, never to be reopened.  When he does this he opens up more doors than you can ever imagine with surprises you never fathom until you see it with your own eyes.    So.. I am not really worried about others who choose not to be a part of my life, they are the ones missing out not me.   :)   Yeah  turning 40 has it's perks. :)
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