Nov 24, 2008 11:36
I get off the bus near the Keller auditorium and round the corner on Market to get to my day gig at Blue Cross. I see a few dozen people on each side of the street. I walk closer. News cameras, police, and 200 Market security people are watching closely.
I am curious what the big deal is.
Than I realize this is just a gay protest. One side Gay friendly the other side Anti Gay.
Really, in Portland? I thought we evolved out of this. As if Anti Gay makes any sense anyway. What exactly are they protesting anyway? Is there any pro/anti gay legislation going on that I do not know about? Is it just the general idea that some people maybe participating in homosexual relationships?
I know I served this country for their freedom of speech but can’t they find something better to do? This really seems ridiculous.
Accepting the most delusional Christian fundamental point of view what are they doing?
Did they just happen to pick a “sin” and protest it? Why don’t they protest Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? That is an unpardonable sin and seems much more important in a list of sins. Why not protest people who do not follow the Ten Commandments?
I know a lot of uninformed Christians thinks homosexuality is one of the things G-d detests but any informed opinion on “homosexual” actions in the Old Testament have very little in common with the gay and lesbian community lifestyle of today. I do understand why Biblical scholars would say a Gay lifestyle is not in accordance with Divine Will but it is not “one of the seven deadly sins” demonized on the TBN.
Some of these Anti-Gay people also wanted to make some weird connection to Sin, immorality and Obama. This was just too much for me.
If we were going to look at the things G-d truly hates and apply it politically why not use some very popular and basic scripture that is pretty easy to understand and hermeneutically appropriate. Meaning… here are some words of wisdom to a future ruler.
Proverbs 6:16-19
There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him:
haughty eyes
,a lying tongue
,hands that shed innocent blood
,a heart that devises wicked schemes
,feet that are quick to rush into evil
,a false witness who pours out lies
and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.
I am trying to think of a President who embodies these things more than President Bush. If Christians wanted to go on a witch hunt of anyone practicing what G-d hates, I say protest that Bush should be impeached based on the above scriptures. That seems much more inline with a true Christian agenda.