snowflake challenge, day 13.

Jan 13, 2013 13:56

Today's challenge: In your own space, ask for recs. Something as simple as "I like XYZ (where XYZ is a kink, a pairing, a trope, etc) - please rec me some." Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

Hello! I would be most delighted to read anything you got that falls into the following criteria (even if you think I may have read it before)!:

Once Upon A Time: Hook/Aurora, Aurora/Mulan, any fic that's more focused on plot and less on smushing characters together (even though some of that is good, too).
New Girl: Anything. Seriously. I'm partial to uber-quirky Jess and uber-douchey Schmidt (though not necessarily together).
Avengers: Darcy Lewis/anyone. I want to ship Darcy with all the things.
2 Broke Girls: Anything. (Maybe I just want to ship Kat Dennings with all the things?)
Pitch Perfect: Anything that's Fat Amy-centric, please. There is just not enough of her in my life.
RPF: Has anyone written Jessica Chastain/Tom Hardy together? Surely, this has happened.

Other than that, just rec me fics that you love. I'm fairly panfandom (I watch a lot of TV) and I'm looking for lengthy fics that have really delicious plots, particularly if they are heavy on the awesome women!

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challenge: fandom snowflake '13
