(no subject)

Apr 27, 2008 00:52

So I wake up today and find out that I'm in the living room when I wake up. Now I don't usually fall asleep in the living room, but it does happen from time to time. It takes me a minute to realize where I am and I am freezing my butt off. Nothing like a little coldness in the morning to wake you up.
I cooked! I cooked eggs and they were yummy on my english muffins.

Mom brought home some Tofu. Does anyone have a good recipe that involves it?

Papers are the death of me... I have 1 more to finish and I'm home free from their unsavory clutches, but I have 2 tests left and I'm not looking forward to them since I haven't really studied for either of them yet, but studying will commence when I finish this paper of abysmal hell for Gender/Womens Studies. Then I get to burn out my eyes with monitors full of text unbeknownist to liberal kind. Namely because my professor is one of the only conservative sociologists known to man kind.

I'm really trying to figure out dating. Really... It's been awhile since I've been on the market but I'm going to give it a go again. Well I've already got a date lined up, but its with an ex gf. We originally broke up because I didn't think it was fair for her to have to deal with me trying to figure out myself. Now that I have discerned the direction I wish to travel into my transgender glory and stardom, she wants to get back together. I'm really pensive about this because I'm not sure what she's expecting. I asked, she said she didn't know. I just don't want to be perceived as the macho man that I used to be.


Macho.... anywho. Yeah. I've changed a bit and am working on mannerisms and voice and all that jazz. If she's not down with the new me then I can't forsee this working. I'm thinking about sending her pictures (yes I will post some of them)to show her what she's getting into. I'm not going to tone myself down because she's not ready to see it. Best to get the shock and awe out of the way with the 10 lbs extra from the camera to boot.

Anyone got advice?

tofu, macho, dating, manliness

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