my intervention tonight

May 03, 2005 00:26

so long story ill update tomorrow but my cousin who is raised by my mom (debbie) but my grandma (joyce) is guardian of them (michael 14) got caught with pot in his room. my mom calls me to deal with all their problems (his sister Krystle lives there too). its a big no no with me when it comes to drugs. so tonight she calls and says she found it in his room. i was hot so i went speeding over there. when i got home i imed my step mom cause i know she gets pissed off at me when i take on the kids for my mom. anyways long story short... not often enough does anyone of my family members( except my step mom) say they are proud of me and i am so proud of me for a second that i thought i would share it with all of my live journal friends. so here it is... BTW Katelyn is my sister who is 15, pee wee is my step dad and when i refer to dad thats him too. ( i know she calls me jane in here thats cause shes pissed do me a favor dont EVER call me that i hate it and i reserve them the right to call me that ONLY)and no hate mail cause of what i said to him either! i know i shouldnt have called him a name but i was so pissed off i dont remember driving to my moms that well. this is also not his first time getting in trouble. in the last month he has been caught smoking, drinking sneaking out of the house and now this. i didnt say anything to him about the other stuff cause its just kids shit but i WONT tolerate drugs with my kids.
MomNOzOf3 [10:42 PM]: is katelyn still up?
MomNOzOf3 [10:49 PM]: helloooooooooooo
MomNOzOf3 [10:55 PM]: well hell when you get this i need a favor of katelyn. i want her to watch michael for me after school and if she sees him with amanda reevis i wanna know about it
nahBanana [11:29 PM]: im on now, are u still up
MomNOzOf3 [11:29 PM]: ya
nahBanana [11:29 PM]: micheal who and who is amanda
MomNOzOf3 [11:30 PM]: michael schreiner
nahBanana [11:30 PM]: why would he be at the high school
MomNOzOf3 [11:30 PM]: and amanda reevis is the girl who gave him the weed he got caught with tonight
MomNOzOf3 [11:30 PM]: he wont be at the highschool i mean when shes waiting around for the bus at the grade school
nahBanana [11:31 PM]: is she in high school or grade school
MomNOzOf3 [11:32 PM]: im not sure yet
nahBanana [11:33 PM]: ok, ill tell her in the morning.
nahBanana [11:33 PM]: are they sure he didnt get it from their stash
MomNOzOf3 [11:34 PM]: lol i dont know like they would tell me as far as im suppose to know they only do it on special occations @@
MomNOzOf3 [11:34 PM]: he was in a choke hold when he said that though lol
MomNOzOf3 [11:34 PM]: i kinda gave him an intervention tonight
nahBanana [11:35 PM]: how did he get cought
nahBanana [11:35 PM]: caught
MomNOzOf3 [11:35 PM]: they found it in his room
nahBanana [11:36 PM]: no wonder he can sleep so much lately
MomNOzOf3 [11:36 PM]: lol
MomNOzOf3 [11:37 PM]: i was so mad i swear my ears are popping and crap now
nahBanana [11:37 PM]: and how is it you did an intervention
nahBanana [11:37 PM]: why are you taking this so personal
MomNOzOf3 [11:37 PM]: mom called me and told me and i blew up and went over there....
MomNOzOf3 [11:38 PM]: walked in held him by the neck and said "you want my attention you got it! Heres your intervention motherfucker" and just screamed 10 different reasons why he wasnt doing this shit again
MomNOzOf3 [11:39 PM]: because ill be damned if he turns out like my mother!!!!
MomNOzOf3 [11:39 PM]: let this be a lesson to my little sisters lol god bless their souls if i catch them
nahBanana [11:42 PM]: jane, you arent his parent, and why do you think he is trying to get your attention...they are calling u and making the problems they need to handle yours. again, they are getting our of raising the children they are taking care of in their home.
nahBanana [11:42 PM]: thats bull shit
nahBanana [11:42 PM]: they need to do that.
nahBanana [11:43 PM]: if they dont do anything about it, he is going to continue to do things anyway, no matter how much u do or sy
nahBanana [11:43 PM]: say
MomNOzOf3 [11:43 PM]: well he wont listen to them cause he says he doesnt understand what the big deal is if they do it why cant he
nahBanana [11:43 PM]: yea, that might be true, but he doesnt live with u
nahBanana [11:44 PM]: so why should he think it should matter to you anyway
MomNOzOf3 [11:44 PM]: after i blew up at him we drove out to osage lake and talked for an hour about things and i told him how much i loved him and how much of a big deal he is to the boys blah blah blah
nahBanana [11:45 PM]: you arent his parent, thats going to be his next statement (in his head if he hasnt said it out loud anyway)
MomNOzOf3 [11:45 PM]: because it does matter to me! and i know that mom and peewee wont tell him anything cause they cant
nahBanana [11:45 PM]: You are still giving them a way out of being the parents they need to be.
nahBanana [11:45 PM]: they have to step up to the plate
MomNOzOf3 [11:46 PM]: leanna they have had 26 fucking years to be a parent and still havent . they arent gonna start now
nahBanana [11:46 PM]: u cant take on everyones responsibilities with their kids because u care about them
nahBanana [11:47 PM]: i realize what u are trying to do, but u arent going to make him stop doing things like that. You are just going to get hurt
MomNOzOf3 [11:47 PM]: but i cant help it with them leanna they wont get what they need from her!
nahBanana [11:47 PM]: i know
nahBanana [11:47 PM]: but there is nothing u can do about it
MomNOzOf3 [11:48 PM]: im a big girl i can handle the hurt what i cant handle is knowing that i sat back and didnt tell them how i felt about what they are doing
MomNOzOf3 [11:48 PM]: at least i tried and thats all i can do
nahBanana [11:48 PM]: u can voice your oppinion to him about it, but you need to calm down and not take it so personal everytime those kids do something like that
nahBanana [11:49 PM]: debbie and pewee call u on purpose
nahBanana [11:49 PM]: they dont want to do anything about anything
MomNOzOf3 [11:49 PM]: if she didnt make me the mom i probably wouldnt take it personal
MomNOzOf3 [11:50 PM]: and sometimes i think the kids expect it from me too
nahBanana [11:50 PM]: maybe joyce needs to find out about this, they need to live somewhere else
MomNOzOf3 [11:50 PM]: mom kept saying to me dont be mad at me its really not my fault please dont be upset with me @@
nahBanana [11:50 PM]: all they are doing is collecting the money and making u do all the hard stuff
nahBanana [11:51 PM]: and thats bull shit
nahBanana [11:51 PM]: deb and pewee expect u to do that too
MomNOzOf3 [11:52 PM]: mom doesnt want grandma to find out cause then she will blame mom for it @@ if she doesnt tell her or do something to michael then ill have a lunch date with grandma and tell her and have her not say anything to mom
nahBanana [11:53 PM]: see, everyone is protecting everyone, and the ones getting hurt are the kids. this is crap
nahBanana [11:53 PM]: someone needs to spill the beans before the kids are to long gone
MomNOzOf3 [11:53 PM]: i know but what am i suppose to do ?
MomNOzOf3 [11:54 PM]: thats why i let her involve me is cause i dont want them to be like her
nahBanana [11:54 PM]: THEY LIVE WITH HER.....there is not much chance of them not turning out like her in some way or another
MomNOzOf3 [11:55 PM]: well if i wasnt raised by YOU i wouldnt care as much as i doooooooooooooo lol
nahBanana [11:56 PM]: you dont think they can tell that both of them only care about how much beer, pot and food they put into their bodies and thats all
nahBanana [11:56 PM]: so you need to quit trying to protect EVERYONE, and just concentrate on protecting the children
nahBanana [11:57 PM]: even if it mean telling on your mom and pewee
MomNOzOf3 [11:57 PM]: no i pray they dont ever see what we see. as long as they know I LOVE THEM i could care less what mom and peewee think anyway
MomNOzOf3 [11:57 PM]: oh ill tell on them but grandma has to not tell mom i told
nahBanana [11:57 PM]: they live there, they see and hear it all
nahBanana [11:58 PM]: they arent stupid
nahBanana [11:58 PM]: they know
MomNOzOf3 [11:58 PM]: if mom finds out she wont let me see the kids cause she knows they tell me shit and ill tell on her
nahBanana [11:58 PM]: she wont have that privalige if they dont live there anymore
MomNOzOf3 [11:59 PM]: well where the hell do you think they will live if grandma pulls them from there?
nahBanana [12:00 AM]: i dont know all the answers jane, but i dont like seeing you like this either...u are my daughter and i dont like it when you get like this, and its not fair that you have this extra burden on u, you have three precious boys and a husband you need to concentrate on as well
nahBanana [12:01 AM]: i dont know where they would live, but surely there is someone that outthere that doesnt do all the things that are going on in that house
nahBanana [12:01 AM]: and would care at least fifty percent more than they do
MomNOzOf3 [12:02 AM]: ya thats here! OR in foster care one of the 2
nahBanana [12:02 AM]: and just for the very proud that i raised someone with a caring heart and morals
nahBanana [12:03 AM]: i hear what u are saying, but u cant bring this all on yourself
MomNOzOf3 [12:03 AM]: and for the record im thankful for all my beatings i got from my great MOTHER lol
nahBanana [12:03 AM]: why doesnt doug get into this, have you talked with him any
MomNOzOf3 [12:04 AM]: no and im not bringing it all on by just making sure i head them in the right direction and being there when i need to be
MomNOzOf3 [12:04 AM]: cause he isnt privy to all this information and his wife wouldnt raise them im sure
nahBanana [12:05 AM]: im not saying that. i thought maybe you two could talk and come up with some good ideas or something
nahBanana [12:05 AM]: or he could help with talking to mike
MomNOzOf3 [12:05 AM]: i tried one time he told me that i needed to walk away and hope for the best! that was when mom started drinking again
nahBanana [12:05 AM]: maybe a good male influence could help
nahBanana [12:06 AM]: oh great
nahBanana [12:06 AM]: well im sorry, this happend tonight...i hope you can get some sleep tonight
MomNOzOf3 [12:06 AM]: he doesnt like dealing with mom is what it is and he knows if he fucks with her money he will have hell to pay
nahBanana [12:06 AM]: and i hope you dont have a heart attack, because your blood preasure gets to high
nahBanana [12:07 AM]: or something
MomNOzOf3 [12:07 AM]: i will i feel pretty good now that i calmly talked to mike and im gonna keep tabs from a distance
MomNOzOf3 [12:08 AM]: if it gets out of hand ill hate pulling moms head out of her ass but i will
nahBanana [12:08 AM]: ok
MomNOzOf3 [12:09 AM]: im gonna go take a shower before piggy piggy wakes up
MomNOzOf3 [12:09 AM]: ill talk to you tomorrow
MomNOzOf3 [12:09 AM]: love you
nahBanana [12:10 AM]: ok, i love you, dont forget that
nahBanana [12:10 AM]: i always will, no matter what
MomNOzOf3 [12:10 AM]: i know you will thats what REAL moms do
nahBanana [12:11 AM]: lol, nite nite, tell nathan hi for me when he wakes up and chows down his baba
MomNOzOf3 [12:11 AM]: i will
nahBanana [12:12 AM]: bye
MomNOzOf3 [12:12 AM]: bye
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