Apr 27, 2004 15:41
well i went to school today i felt like shit but i didn't feel like staying home, the first thing my math teacher said was "where were you yesterday" not a "howya doing" or a "are you okay" or something nice .. she probably thought i didnt go to school to go shooping or bake cookies, jesus. i dont know why it pissed me off so much maybe because shes always a bitch to me and that just pushed it off the borderline? did that make any sense..in science i had to go outside and study while everyone was taking a quiz i must of been out there for a good 40 minutes before he said to come in for a second i thought they forgot about me. home ec was fun because Hannah and Me where hidding in the big closets and no one noticed besides the poeple that already new, haha it was fun. afters school the gang was hanging out outside, very fun..expesialy when harvey through a condom at me saying haha its eriks, and me being rediculous stupid/trying to be cool..opens it up and throws it and than says wait..i want to blow it up..haha everyone laughs. than we where playing with axe (where cool) and erik polks a whole in it and it was spraying everywhere and than it spills on the concrete and than erik lights it on fire and than a car was comming and they were scared it was a teacher and they (harvey, garrett, erik) run into the woods while we (mariel, lindsey and me) run after them and amber and rosie go a different way. It was really nice being under an umberella off old trees while it rains, and me and erik sit together on a pile of pine things that come off of pine trees, and i had to go so we made out and then me and lindsey left..:)